Hi beautiful creative friends!!
Thanks so much for all the lovely birthday wishes on FB...I had an amazing day and lots of pressies which included a beautiful bunch of flowers delivered to my workplace from my wonderful husband, various vouchers for foot, head and back massage plus a voucher for art supplies from the girls AND the best Ipod/CD speaker sound system that will enable me to play cool music at all of my workshops, in my studio, in the bath, wherever!! How lucky am I?!
I was also surprised to discover that my blog had a birthday last week too. It's one year old and what an amazing year its been! So many firsts have come about from connecting through this amazing blogosphere but mostly its about the friends I have made and the community of like minded souls that have come into my life and for that I am truly grateful. One of those beautiful people is the very groovy Holly Eva. We befriended each other at the suggestion of the amazing Violette and have been on a whirlwind getting to know each other ever since. Our husbands are eternally grateful that they no longer have to listen to our crazy, way out ideas cos' we now have each other to share with and our zany ideas don't sound crazy to us at all!
One of my goals this year was to start making some videos and eventually build up to online workshops. This is my first attempt so be kind..more to come soon!! Have a blissful weekend and make sure you make some time to make SOMETHING fabulous ♥♥♥
impossible for me to see the video, don't know why :-(
love from belgium