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2012~The year of Brave.New.Dreams and Possibilities

 70, 000 plus miles travelled in 2012, living the reality of what was, only months before, a dream. 

i apologise in advance for the length of this post. it was a massive year and if you are kind enough to read all the way to the end and leave me a little hello in the comments section i will put your name in a hat or a bucket with everyone else's and one of you will win a painting...okay now go make yourself a cuppa and settle in :)

in January i launched an exhibition of new paintings in our little village of Huskisson
and hung out with the beautiful Louise Gale when she came to visit!

 and then...up, up and away!

January~ An International exhibition in Koh Samui Thailand..who moi?? Pinch!

 The whole family got to come...we enjoyed some new beverages!  

 shopped a little-well a lot!

 i got to judge a mural competition and had to pick a winner (so hard!) from these talented Thai artists

 we hiked to a hidden waterfall

 explored the nearby islands

 rode on these beautiful creatures through the jungle :)

 Painted my own mural and giggled with these two cuties

had our feet nibbled by fish ( not my favourite thing!)

and rode madly in a tuk tuk through the streets of Bangkok with Sienna

 back home in April I taught my very first Paint Mojo workshop in a stable

with a bevy of enthusiastic and talented students :)

 March through July I continued to explore new possibilities

 in paint

 continuing my studies in Fine Arts through Curtin University

 and celebrating High Distinctions for my work.

we also released our brand new CD three years in the making which you can listen to and purchase here.

 i continued to give thanks for the bounty and beauty of my life, this man who walks through the world with such a big heart, who doesn't always get it right (who does?) but loves us in the hugest way.....and i him

 these beauties always reminding me to slow down

 and relax into the moment

 and these two beauties that make my heart overflow with love every day.

 in June I launched a new exhibition of paintings

before flying off to sunny Qld thanks to my gracious and lovely host Christine Desbiens

 Flying solo like a wide eyed girl, soaking in the newness of every experience, lapping up the freshness of a new perspective.

 i shared wonderful creative time with this gorgeous group and also shared the revelation of having my biological father ( who I had never met!) walk into the workshop unexpectedly at the end of Day One!! I have not yet written about this experience at any length but it has been an incredibly positive event  and continues to unfold in lovely ways.

 i thank these women for their energy, love and support

over that momentous weekend~ my first interstate Paint Mojo workshop!

July was a month of change and goodbyes when first we saw Marco off on a business venture to Thailand. Unfortunately it didn't work out as we had hoped but life is for learning and loving and all is as its meant to be...

then it was time to say goodbye to my sweet girl Santana when she grew wings and decided to try living on her own in the big city...she too is now back at home and ready to begin studying next year closer to home :))

 In August I flew to Melbourne (big thanks to Liza baker and Wini Dougall)

and another round of mojo sharing began...a little colder than the previous but still just as much fun!
and then it was up, up and away again......this time just Sienna and I, our little family halved for a time,
we landed in a spectacular California Summer for a month of settling in, getting Sienna enrolled in school, hanging at the beach.. 

catching up with dear friends
and family!
enjoying some of these :)

and lots of this!
I fell in love with Orly Avineri when she graciously invited me to come to her San Diego workshop in September..

 we explored Hollywood and Venice beach with Sienna and my nieces Kira and Keely :)

and I got myself ready for my upcoming teaching tour with cards and prints to sell...


made my video lesson for Life Book and then I was off!! 

Firstly to Petaluma where I truly became part of the Art Is You family!
Warm, wonderful, wild and weird in the best way!


 I got to meet all of the wonderful artists and teachers that I have been reading about for all of these years AND I was one of them!! Pinch me again!

Four days of teaching and learning and meeting awesome people. So excited to be teaching there again this year!

 Then it was back to Southern California where my sweet friend Christy opened her home for us to Mojo in!!

 i painted this little demo there and left it as a gift for my hostess with the mostest :)

i think everyone found their mojo very successfully!!

and then i was off to the East Coast for more Feelgood painting at Art Is You in Stamford CT.

 on my day off my beautiful friend Mary Leigh took me into NY for a day of sightseeing

 She was the best guide ever!

 then lucky me got to hang out with these wonderful women at the home of Sallianne McLelland, a woman with one of the biggest hearts I know....

I got to know incredible women like Kecia

 who gifted me this very swish vintage prom dress and made me the beautiful necklace i am wearing with it. thank you Kecia you are awesome!

I also got to spend three days in Hoboken with my lovely friend Louise and we explored New York each day and didn't get home till the early hours each morning...I cannot for the life of me find the folder with those pics (except for this one of us lining up for a falafel from Sam which was delish!) but we had a LOT of FUN..the highlight being the last night when Louise took me to an underground piano bar in the West End where we and 60 or so other patrons sang showtunes at the top of our lungs till 2am :)

from NY I flew back to the West Coast to meet my honey and celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We booked this cute place through airbnb in La Mission, Baja California

and celebrated with lobster and margaritas....5 days together out of 5 and a half months was way too short...

 and then it was on to Texas where the very heartful Selah Gay had put together the most wonderful retreat for me to teach at...

this is the sign she had made to greet the students

 and here she is creating something beautiful

and these are the wonderful women of the Lotus Ranch, Wimberley, Paint Mojo Retreat

 after the retreat had finished i met up with my sweet friend Emily and we spent the day roaming the missions of San Antonio together and then it was on to Austin where the gorgeous Jessica Brogan showed me the best of this funky city and we put our heads together and hatched some plans for some wonderful future events. Thank you Em and Jessica....i think your pics are in that same missing folder!

 From Texas it was off to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. Thank you so much to Phyllis Peterson who was such a caring and sweet host, looking after me in her home as I battled a horrible cough/cold/allergy attack. She dosed me up on various remedies and I taught two separate sold out workshops at the beautiful Random Arts owned by the vivacious and funny Jane Powell.

on my day off Phyllis and Jane took me to Asheville where we had the best tacos at White Duck Taco and then wandered the streets looking at the galleries.
 I was over the moon to find one of my art heroes Jonas Gerard  in his studio and have to admit i blushed profusely as he wooed me with his charm....

after a week in North Carolina, enjoying the Southern hospitality it was time for a road trip

 so i hopped in my rental car and took off to Savannah!

spending the night in this charming historical home which i also found on air bnb.

 Savannah had my heart the moment i arrived but its far too romantic a place to wander alone....

 from Savannah i drove on to St Pete beach Florida, Thanks to my beautiful friend e'Layne Koenigsberg
(and Lora) for sharing their home and lives with me for the week and for organising such a wonderful event.

 I was blown away for the whole trip (and beyond) at the depth, talent and wisdom of the women who came to these workshops seeking to learn and share and grow.

i truly feel blessed to be able to do what i do and if i can, in some small way encourage others to follow their creative bliss the way i have mine it makes my heart smile wide. 

 Are you still there...i know this is long but i don't know how to make it shorter and if you get all the way to the end i would love for you to leave a comment. 

everyone who does will go into the draw to win one of my "little creatures" original paintings.. :)

one like this but not this one as its already in its new home......soooo with the workshops finished it was time for some down time.

 I said goodbye to the girls and picked Sienna up at the airport in Tampa and we headed to Orlando for three days of fun! after we had ridden every roller coaster (twice!!) we headed South for a very special meeting...

Tony (my biological father) had told me that his sister lived in Florida. 
Soon after he and i met, my Aunty Robbie contacted me by email, so warm and caring, a beautiful spirit welcoming me into their family. When we worked out that I would be in Florida around Thanksgiving she invited Sienna and i to come spend it with her and her family.

 i still dont have words to really describe this experience of finding family you never knew
or how you feel like a part of you had somehow been missing and now its not. 

Its also tricky because feelings can be hurt and i love my mum and dad that brought me up and my other mum that brought me into this world and i don't want them to feel that in finding joy in this new family i am in any way diminishing the love i have for them


so that's all i will say for now

 is that enough to digest?

what a year, right?

i love you all and thank you so much for supporting me through this HUGE journey. 
i wish you every happiness in 2013 and hope that you will leave me a comment so i can send one of you a painting.

if i have missed anyone out its not because you are not important its because i am sometimes a little ditzy and this was a very long post to put together....

HAPPY 2013!!!

lots of love Tracy xoxox

be happy!

and live your own soulful adventure!



Carrie Clayden said…
what an incredible year Tracy, you really inspire me. I am so delighted we got to meet and I look forward to seeing you next lead the way for the road I hope to travel..thank you
Anonymous said…
Your year sounds like an amazing life journey that so many only dream of. Thanks for sharing and reminding us that it's possible.
Sound of Woman said…
What a beautiful blog post,I felt I was travelling with you!! I would so love to attend one of your workshops. I live in Tasmania so perhaps sometime when you are teaching in Melbourne I can join you.
Cindi ASHBECK said…
I love your art! You have been so wonderfully busy. I'm adopted also. Many different emotions can be felt over this. I sure hope 2013 is good to you! I'm so anxious to see you in Madison this year!
Trudy Berry said…
A year filled with family and good friends to love, in a world of adventure and beauty, how wonderful
is this thing called 'life'. It truly makes our spirits soar and we
are blessed to have our art to give
it a voice. Looking forward to attending your Brisbane workshop in
Feb. Tracy.
Kirst said…
Dearest Tracy, what a wonderful year for you. I remember discovering your art in a little cafe in Husky on a weekend trip in February 2012 for a triathlon. That was my first trip to Jervis Bay, and it will not be my last. I left feeling so much love for the area and it's people. I am so pleased to say that your art is a HUGE part of that love. I still have the postcard that is your opening photo pinned to my corkboard where I can see it every day. It inspires me to live for me and do what I want. Who knew a little postcard could do that.
Discovering you has opened my eyes and my heart to a lot over the past 11 months, and I thank you for that.
I can't wait to meet you someday to tell you this in person.
Thank you.
connie w said…
what an exciting and creative year you had! loved reading about it - you must be exhausted! Here's wishing you a 2013 spilling over with an abundance of family, friends, art and love!
Christine Benavente said…
A really interesting 2012 blog, Tracy. Thank you for sharing your much loved family and your fantastic year of wonders with us. How lucky the world is to have you out there spreading your wings and sharing with everyone ... and how lucky I am to live near you and to know we will spend more creative time together in the future. Sending love xoxo
Loves reading this post Tracy, you have had an awesome year and I celebrate it with you! Well done! I hope 2013 is as equally or even more adventure filledand fabulous for you!
CreativSpirit said…
Oh Tracey, what a wonderful adventure you've been on and will continue to have in 2013, love all of your photos. Wishing you and your family all the very best for 2013
Bev said…
wow Tracy i have followed your year and am amazed at the way you have blossomed , meeting family members must be high up there but i would not even ask u to name a highlight of 2012 because it was your dream year and im so happy for u and i know there is much more wonderful things awaiting u in this year of 2013 ...
hugz bev
Colorful Heart said…
Fun to re-live your year with you...and also fun for me to realize I've been following you for long enough to have seen posts about these things when they first happened!
Jann Parkes said…
Hi there Tracy!
You were definitely living THE dream there in 2012! I can imagine that as well as it being a blissful opportuntity it came with its own set of challenges and I dare say that those have brought the gorgeous Verdugo family even closer together!
What a gift though to be able to share your beautiful, caring, loving personality with everyone Tracy where ever you went! AND they all got to paint with you and learn some amazing art as well!
Much love and blessings to you and your family for a wonderful New Year this year...Jann xxx
AnnieLou said…
Tracy: That's quite the wonderful story! I felt as if you took me/us right along with you. Thank you so much for sharing have given all who read this a tremendous gift!
Wendy Jasper said…
Thank you - I really enjoyed reading again about your amazing year. You explain it so well and with the pictures its like I am on the journey with you. Also inspires me to fully live my life. thank you!
dd said…
Oh Tracy!!!

What a whirlwind of gorgeous memories.. the snapshots and the way you've shared them are such a treat! And had me a bit awestruck at all you've achieved and studying too!!! ... and then the part about the Thanksgiving... well that brought tears to my eyes.

Congratulations on a huuuge year.

with love Denise
Carol Q said…
Tracy you are such a gem! I have followed all your posts this year and have enjoyed the journey immensely through your eyes! Love your painting, your spirit, your energy!You truly are an inspiration to us all! May 1913 be as exciting and as fulfilling as this year has been...Stay happy and well!
Unknown said…
Wow Tracy, What an awesome, eventful and inspiring year you have had. I am so glad to have been a part of it (as little as it was, throughout your workshop in Melbourne and teaching along side you in LifeBook 2012.
It makes me sooooo happy to see your dreams become a reality; and to see how much joy life has brought you in 2012.
I wish you an even BIGGER 2013, filled with all of the above plus more. May your year ahead continue to make you want to "pinch" yourself often.

Best wishes and much love,
Kyles =D
Jennifer said…
Woweeeee....what a year! Well done and congratulations on all your successes. What's next ?
Anonymous said…
Woweeeee....what a year! Well done and congratulations on all your successes. What's next ?
Not really anonymous ... the above comment was little role me.
Di said…
Wow you have been so busy.:-) Love your art , its beautiful. I wanted to say congrats for connecting with your bio father.......I found my Bio mother however my bio father had already passed away. Finding out certainly makes you feel more "real"!
I hope it all works out wonderfully for you.
All the best Di
jacqueline said…
From the UK to the US. Your journey through 2012 is inspiring, exciting and beautiful. Here's to 2013!
Shells said…
What an awesome year! I hope 2013 brings you and your family even more awesomeness!
Ilona said…
Love your input into this world, sharing beauty of art. Wishing you next year that is as special in every way as you are!
Unknown said…
What an incredible year you had in 2012, Tracy!
Wow! What a whirlwind year you have had! Excited to see what this new year holds - you are my inspiration!
Jenny said…
What an amazing and beautiful year Tracy... thank you for sharing your wonderful journey of 2012... what an adventure it was... your photos are gorgeous... your artwork stunning...

Can't wait to see what 2013 brings you...
Jenny ♥
wow,wow,wow! What an incredible year :) One of my favourite pics is of the giggling girls in front of your mural :) Gorgeous x
Unknown said…
What a wonderful pictorial Diary of your year and what a year. This is a life I would love to live and will aspire to in the future. Congratulations on your year and may this year be just as exciting for you.
Cheryl F. said…
Amazing Tracy! What a fabulous year filled with the love of art, family and friends. . . . . .and you have pictures too! Beautiful is all I can say. Thank you for inspiring us and sharing.
artimess said…
Wow! - what an amazing year Tracy. Your work is beautiful and you are such an inspiration to us. Thank you.
Unknown said…
That was an utter inspiration! as a mummy of 3 under 6 one with smith magenis syndrome, my art as been on hold for a while while i have come to terms with my daughters diagnosis! (i am a professional artist!) that coming to terms with, took 3 years and 2012 saw me come out of darkness and also too led me skywards across the world to love on some special needs orphans in the Ukraine! So 2012 was too a wonderful and big year for me also! now with an art studio up and running again the colour and joy within your post has so inspired me i cannot tell! It's time for more colour and art in my world also! I thank you so much for sharing your amazing soul and life, i am walking into today now with a smile and so looking forward to sharing 2013 with you, love jane xxxxxxxxxxxx
Amazing post Tracy
and an awesome insight into an artists true soul and passion. You are an amazingly inspiring artist and person. I hope to get to an art mojo with you as the teacher sometime :o)
Erin Fish said…
Wow, what an amazing year. Just looking at the pictures of your journey(s)is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing and best of luck in 2013.
serendipity said…
Wow...what an artful crafty adventuraful 2012 you experienced with so many different soulful emotions ...way to go gal. let's hope 2013 will be just as greyt for you. Your photos are colourful like your art
Deborah Mongato said…
Dear Tracy, Your year was amazing, and it was so wonderful to read and share the joy that your words express so beautifully. I was so fortunate to attend your Paint Mojo workshop and hope someday that our paths will cross again. Blessings in 2014 and can't wait to hear all about it...never too long for me!

Xxoo Deb
Char Brooks said…
What an inspiration you have been to all those you have touched this last year! Although I was not able to attend my sister Selah's retreat in Wimberly, TX, I saw through her eyes the wonder and beauty of art and forever friendships! Thank you for sharing your heart with so many and thank your family for giving you the space to see your dreams come true.
Incredible spirit....I have not met you except through this wonderful musing and delightful photographs...this was forwarded to me from a friend....and I don't know what was promting me to read....but that little voice that we sometimes ignore whispers got louder and louder. So here I am, all the way through...which was not a chore but rather a most delightful...inspiring heart smiling...a tear in my and creative yearning colliding and mingling like a kaleidoscope...simply thank you for sharing...I feel the spark...what a gift....Om Shanti' Sharon~
Lynda said…
What a wonderful post, Tracy. I was fortunate enough to take Paint Mojo with you in NC and loved every minute of it. If I had known of your birth family experience we would've had quite the conversation. I'm adopted and found my birth family in my mid twenties. I know all about the emotions that come up when meeting a family that you didn't really realize you were missing. I was also fortunate to have a positive experience and both my adoptive parents and birth family are friends. I'm so happy you also are having a wonderful experience finding your birth family. Much happiness to you in 2013!
Sherri B. said…
Wow, I'm in awe of the year you much travel and adventure! I admire your work so much...I'm wishing you an equally successful 2013.
kamiguen said…

what an amazing and blessed blissful year!! And thank you so much for sharing it with us. I adore your art and hope that Art is you... will still come to Australia one day. I'm looking forward to 21 Secrets later this year too.
Thank you for inspiring my soul to sing xo
Lorie said…
Fabulous adventures, wow! I look forward to taking a class someday and getting to know you, Tracy, and sharing in the MOJO!
Louise said…
WOW! What a great visual review. You are travelling a lot! Thanks for sharing those great moments with us.
sheri ponzi said…
What a magical year, my dearest Tracy! I found myself cheering you on all over again while reading this post. YOU are such a superstar of love, grace, beauty, and celebration!
Sarah Rosedahl said…
I love your colors and style! Would love to attend a workshop in New England, US sometime - I live in Vermont come and visit!
Paula said…
What a HUGE year for you and your family. and what a HUGE honour it was to be in your Mojo class when you met your father. I'm looking forward to seeing where this year takes you. Pxo
Harriet H said…
Following your bliss and heart is a wonderful blessing.....thanks for sharing yours.... May 2013 be just as wonderful !!!!!!
Theresa Plas said…
Wow! Wow! Wow! What an incredible year! So glad you shared your journey so generously. Best to you for 2013 Tracy!
Janet Ghio said…
Whew!! What a tour-Thailand, Australia, California, Texas and on and on--my favorite photo is of you in the doorway of the gallery in Thailand-
Joanie Wilson said…
What a year...Thailand, California, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida. So how was that fish foot-nibbling session, after all? Your art is indescribably beautiful, and I am so grateful that I found your work all those months ago on Pinterest. You Rock!
Unknown said…
That is an amazing year! What an adventurer you are. Many blessings for your entire family. May all of the relationships increase in love and strength.
kathy n said…
What a wonderful 2012 and i'm sure 2013 will bring you wonderful experiences too! I'm happy we got to meet and enjoyed learning from you. All the best...xoxo
What an amazing year for you! I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for you!

All the best
Amanda M
WrightStuff said…
What a read... What a year! These connections you've made will last your lifetime Tracy and provide creative fuel and happy memories too :)
Kelly Lynn said…
Oh my gosh! What an incredibly beautiful and inspiring year you've had! Thank you so much for taking time to share all of this pictures! Each one was so much fun to look at and made me smile! xoxo Kelly
shannon said…
What a great year! One to truly cherish. Your work is amazing and makes me smile. I am inspired by your journey and would love to take one of your workshops! I am daring to travel down the same road....I want to share my joy of creating with others as well. Many thanks for sharing:)
What an amazing year...I don't even have the words to express how moved I am by your bravery in traveling so far & wide...and what an incredible amount of planning and organization must have gone into making everything happen. I'm glad that I was able to meet you at Art Is You in CT and look forward to seeing you again next Fall.
patricia said…
In 2012 after 43 years I finally reunited with my son that I entrusted to the adoption system. There are no words to describe this, and there is no slight to our extended families. LIFE IS A BEAUTIFUL AND WONDERFUL ADVENTURE! Blessings to you...
Dawn Rae Conery said…
Tracy you are so inspirational! What a fantastic year, the blog was awesome and I could feel the love and joy as I read your words and looked at your pictures. Love seeing your family too. Funny, earlier today I was on your Pinterest and looking at your art for the first time ever. Fell in love with it! I came across your You Tube video in there and plugged in my ear phones to enjoy the most beautiful voice singing somwhere over the rainbow and then right into my very favorite song, what a wonderful world. I was blown away and sat listening and viewing your beautiful art along the way. I tried to share the entire thing on my facebook 3 times, but for some reason it wont work. i wish everyone could see it. Made me want to pick up my guitar again and sing like that. I used to. Anyway, I think you are delightful and talented and you make womanhood proud!!!
Aleta said…
what a beautiful year you had! your work is gorgeous. just knowing that I have a teeny tiny chance to win....puts a big ole' smile on my face!!!
ellen said…
What a wonderful journey and I am so glad Art-Is was part of it!
Arlene said…
Wow! What a year you've had! You certainly lead an exciting life, and I hope this year is just as rewarding to you.
Mel said…
Wow! what an exciting 2012 you have had. Thank you so much for sharing it. You have certainly been blessed with a beautiful talent that I so wish that I had but since I don't I hope to one day own a piece of your Fabulous Art!
Ruthie Knox said…
Tracy, that was wonderful-not too long-wonderful! It was a treat for us in NC to have the opportunity to learn from you. You are a joy to be around!I learned so much AND got to make new friends that also came to learn. Thanks for coming to our little part of the world-please come again. Here's to an amazing 2013!
Diva Kreszl said…
Such a full and amazing year! You left me breathless just reading about it, your adventures have given me new resolve to travel a bit myself and try out a workshop...if you can do all that I can certainly muster up enough courage for one little jaunt away form my home and family!
Darla Deiparine said…
Your testimonial of your past year showed me beauty,joy and love of life and living. It was very very inspirational. Thank you for the reflection. I hope someday I will be able to be in one of your "in person workshops". I would like to join your new "on-line" class and look forward to having you as a mentor and friend in that way. Please visit my blog " to hear my journey and see my work :)
inge said…
what an amazing things happened in the past year ...wish you also this years little and big wonders, with many laughs ... I choose as theme this year : carefree blue days ....
cathy said…
Tracy - I read right through to the end - not for the giveaway -but because I was so intrigued - I admire your courage to follow your heart and am working on doing the same!
Denise said…
Now, that wasn't difficult to read to the end! Beautiful photos of smiling people, glorious art, heartfelt sentiment - you are an engaging writer. I would love to take a workshop with you (but curiously, the Chicago area doesn't get that many workshops!) Best wishes for a wonderful, art and music filled 2013.
Jane LaFazio said…
whew! I have jet lag reading your post! what beautiful artwork and faces along the way... So sorry I missed seeing you when you were in San Diego! xoxo
hawker9999 said…
You are an amazing woman, Tracy, and so blessed to be able to follow your bliss. I am so envious. I'll keep an eye out for your Petaluma would be wonderful to attend and learn from you. Thank you for sharing your herstory...what a treat to read! All the best to you and yours.
Heartwideopen said…
Wow Tracy!
You really had a full year, AND an adventurous one to boot! I didn't realize you were in the USA as long as you were. This must have been a year of changes and challenges for your husband and girls as well. I loved reading your words and getting to know you a bit more! I hope you write more posts like this one... it was great fun!!! HuGGs! Debi
rachel awes said…
what gorgeous storytelling, paintings, people, + adventuring.
you know how to seize the day!
+ hugs to your heart in regard to meeting your biological dad ~ oxox
Jess said…
What an adventure and a fantastic experience for your daughters too! The one thing that stood out for me was you meeting your dad for the first time and then meeting members of your family that you didn't know. I met my own fathers family for the first time when I was in my late thirties and the feeling was overwhelming seeing faces that looked familiar and I could see where I got my colouring from (fair with brown eyes) different for my blue eyed black haired mother.
The paintings of your students are breathtaking, you've obviously left a trail of joy along the way!xx
Kathryn said…
Amazing year for you, your family and friends. You have inspired me today!
GrammaCracker said…
This was a very interesting po9sting Tracy. Thank you for sharing your year of adventure with all. I love your art, and it is cool to get to know the artist. Wonderful pictures, too!
Jo Murray said…
You are a girl of boundless energy, love, and talent, Tracy. Such a year indeed!...and a wonderful experience for your girls. Reuniting with your biological Dad was the icing on the cake. May all the joy you experienced in 2012 be repeated, with bells on, this year.
Judy Wise said…
Jo said it so well, Tracy. Reading about your year has me both exhausted and inspired. What a time of dreams-coming-true it must have been. The inspiration you give to others as a teacher is phenomenal; then there is also the inspiration you give by living the adventure. The fearless going out there and doing it. Thank you for putting this marvelous post together. I am giddy with all that is possible if we keep our hearts open.
Cathy Hetzel said…
What a fantastic year 2012 was for you and your family......I hope 2013 is as adventurous for you all......
sandee said…
I full year of travel and blessings. Life does not get any better than that. And may the powers that be continue to fill your life with such great karma!!!

I know that you met MANY wonderful people this year. But of the highlights for me was taking your class in Petaluma. My painting was, well, interesting, but the experience was unforgettable!

Here's to an amazing 2013!
Kat said…
Tracy, don't apologize for your bounty! I hope that my 2013 is half as wonderful and full of dreams coming true that your 2012 was... seriously so inspiring to see how it is working for another artist. <3 <3 <3
Kim H. said…
Simply INSPIRING!!!!
Thanks for sharing :)
Kim H.
Grace said…
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

Your passion for art and creativity expressed in such a big way inspires so many.

I had a great time in your Petaluma workshops!

Cynthia Hanna said…
What a beautiful post - so much accomplishment, energy and pure, joyful life!! I love that you're sharing it all with us - thank you :)
Karen O'Brien said…
It was so great to meet you and experience your wonderful spirit. I am looking forward to seeing you in Petaluma in the fall!
kathy said…
Wishing you the best in 2013!!! All this and more.
Jennifer Scobie said…

Wow what a year you all had and what a long blog I read it and just wanted to say Thank You (you know which part I am talking about)I am so happy for you.Love You
Shelly Penko said…
A lump in my throat after reading about your amazing year. Lots of emotions! Funny it didn't seem like a long post to me, probably because it was filled with pictures and you know how us visual folks love pictures. Here's hoping this year is just as wonderful and brings just as many blessings as the last. Thank you for sharing it with us! ♥
kismetbee said…
What a wondor filled year Tracy. Thank you for all you do to inspire and encourage us all with such grace and love. I hope to one day get to meet in person and get my mojo on with you.
Unknown said…
Tracy, you have had an incredible year. I love your art. You are fairly new to me,but I will be alert and would love to participate if you come back to Texas. Live just north of Austin.
kecia deveney said…
wonderful recap and how fun to see myself in the post!i hope to see you wearing that dress again! and one day i'll be visiting you, mark my word!

bellefrogworks said…
Read the whole post (it was too engrossing to stop). Thanks for taking us on this journey with you. I love your art - the color is just amazing!
Mary C. Nasser said…
What an amazingly inspiring year, Tracy! So happy for you and seeing your dreams come true!!♥
Loved the post.... I tried to join you in NC... but somehow never connected (I sent you a PM via FB?).... if you are ever in Washington DC...would love to connect.
Congrats on all you accomplished...
saludos de "otra artista" in love with un Mexicano! <3

Claudia Olivos
Dee Ryder said…
This posting was so filled with Joy and Love... you could touch it it was so tactile with it ... we are all Blessed by you and all that is !
Bambi said…
WOW ~ what an incredible year you had. Would love to meet you at one of your Florida events. Love your art.
Karen said…
WHEW! That WAS a big trip. I feel like you were able to get a really good perspective of the diversity of what our country has to offer. Someday I'll make it down under and see how the other half lives. Just get the spiders out first, eh? Love ya chookie!
Waxy_frog said…
Wow,what a year it has been for you. Great inspiration for you art. Those lovely colours of Thailand could not help but put your creative mind into gear. Love your work.
cal8007 said…
Wow, Tracy!! What an awesome year - all that traveling and meeing your biological dad - that must have been the highest point of your year ever!! I hope one day I can take a class from you. I live in Texas too, but closer to New Mexico.

Thanks for the chance to win one of your paintings!


Carmen L
renee stien said…
I'm exhausted just reading about your year! You are such an inspiration.
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a year!1 yay for you :)
KarenS said…
I so enjoyed meeting you in CT and taking your wonderful class. I'm sure you are still pinching yourself that you actually experienced such a great year. I hope this year brings you many more adventures.
Kelly Cameron said…
Tracy I don't know how you kept up with it all. You really are inspiring! Thank you for sharing with us. Love your work, Best, Kelly
Dana Barbieri said…
Glad you had a great year. It sounds a bit exhausting but I don't think you would have it any other way. Congrats on living your dreams!
TinaW said…
Wow! What a fantastic year you had.
Anonymous said…
Simply awesome, would love for you to do a workshop in Darwin xo
Stephanie said…
WOW! What an incredible year on so many levels. I'm sorry I missed your class in TX. I hope you will come back to the Austin area in the future.
Alicia Redshaw said…
Here's to the wonderful year that was 2012, and an even more amazing 2013. I am so counting down to Paint Mojo in Brisbane, and having a creative good time.
Shay said…
Wow,what an amazing year! I'm so happy that you've had such a good experience meeting your biological father and his family. I hope you have a wonderful 2013... And 2014, 15, 16, etc... You deserve it!!
Lisa Schmidt said…
Wow, Tracy, Y ou had such an amazing adventurous year inspiring others with your mojo and meeting new friends. Next year I hope to be one of them and take your colorful class, and take you kayaking as well in Florida! Loved reading about your trip!
Anne Oliver said…
What a beautiful soul you are! I so loved reading your journey. You are so full of light and inspiration. I am eternally grateful I listened to that voice that morning, and saw you on Facebook!! <3 & light always!
Unknown said…
What a whirl wind, wonderful year! Thank you for sharing your adventures. Your Paint Mojo class looks like so much fun. Wishing you 2013 to be even more filled with fun, joy, and creativeness!
Prerna Poojara said…
Wow you did have a rocking year. Hope you have a much better 2013.
Ali said…
Wow, what a year you've had! Life only delivers the things you deserve!
Natalie B said…
Wow such a fabulous year, packed full of lots of joy and happiness and also most importantly ART.
Robyn said…
What a stupendous magical year filled with discovery joy and art you had Tracy.
I hope one day to share an art experience under your tutelage. Onward and upward you are an inspiration to follow the path of authenticityand creativity :)
M said…
How awesome are you!! not a question, a statement. You inspire me in so many ways, may your blessings continue forever more xox
Unknown said…
love you ms. Tracy
Unknown said…
You have had an amazing year, that was an incredible journey. I love seeing your wonderful art and am always inspired by you.
Lori Leissner said…
Wow!! What an amazing year! It's been fun to watch. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.
Dixiemom7 said…
Wow, what a fabulous year of adventure and joy. Truly inspiring. I can't believe you were teaching in St. Pete. I am in the Orlando area, and it would have been awesome to participate in your workshop! May 2013 be another fabulous year with a little more time with your Sweetie. ;)
katie said…
what an amazing journey Tracy, I was delighted and awed. May 2013 be overflowing with magic, love and opportunities for you. ♡

Karen said…
What an amazing adventure!
Attending your Paint Mojo workshop was certainly a highlight of my 2012! I hope I get the chance to paint with you again this year. You are an inspiration. Thank you for all you do! Hugs, Karen
anna maria said…
Hearing a story like this is simply inspiring! You are blessed in many ways, and it is obvious that you truly appreciate your blessings.
How lucky for all the people who have attended your classes that you have shared your talents with them! Wish I were close to one of your workshops....if you ever come to Italy, I hope to hear about it.
All the best in 2013.
Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful experiences with us. I'm sad I missed your Melbourne workshop but will keep an eye out for next time you're here. And thank you for taking the time to read all our comments. I'm glad you're following your bliss. Cheers, Margaret
Sally said…
It is inspiring to read about your journey over the last year. I am hoping/believing that sometime in the future I can do one of your workshops. Have you thought of doing one in Western Australia... Let me know if you do! I hope 2013 brings you lots of new adventures in both life and art. God Bless Sally :)
Sarah said…
Loved reading about your incredibly exciting year. What I love is that you had a dream and then you manifested it. You and your hubby seem to know what it is you want and you are willing to take the risk and jump in with both feet. I'm sure it took a lot of work, but it is very inspiring. Congratulations on a epic year.
What an incredibly blessed year you had! I adore your work.

Cristi Clothier
What a fabulous year and adventure. And finding your family was like icing on your cake. Hope 2013 is equally great. Hope this is the year i get to meet you. Xoxox carlanda
So fun to see it all in pictures. I so wish we could have met up in Newport or San Francisco... maybe in the Fall. I am sure that you and my daughter would have a lot to talk about both finding your biological families this year. I hope 2013 will top 2012 although that seems like it may hard to do!
Shirl said…
Wow! ♥ Really! What an amazingly fantastic year you had Tracy! I loved reading every last bit of it! And loved all of the photos that you shared to go along with it!
I wish you all the best of everything for 2013! May it be everything you ever wished for and more! ♥
Unknown said…
You're such an inspiration. You did what most people only ever daydream about doing. I'm so happy that I was able to meet and learn from you during your adventure. Can't wait for next time. xoxo
Carol said…
A wonderful and exciting year, Tracy, and it was a privilege to follow you on your journey. I love this post, great to catch up on bits I somehow missed. I hope 2013 has as much love, happiness, wonder,ent and creativity as last year!
artbrat said…
What a truly exciting and inspiring year! I hope 2013 will be even better.
Rebecca K said…
Oh just think what 2013 will bring for you! What blessings you had...and here's to many more!
Artist said…
I bought my some cards from you when you were here and my friends loved them. Very inspirational art!
Stacey said…
I am new to your blog and this was a great introductory post. Thank you for sharing your year of new adventures. Quite inspiring.
Denise Wandt said…
Hi Tracy,
WOW! What a Year you have had, and Thank you for sharing your adventures, memories and photos.
What a beautiful Family.
You truly get so much out of life and you are so inspiring to me. I hope one day we will meet. I am still enjoying your CD very much and looking forward to another one.
Hoping All your dreams come true in 2013
What a year! What an intinerary. So many people are inspired by your work.
Hi Tracy this is Selah Gay... How very blessed this year has been for you and your family. A Fairy Tale of a Year! And to think I got to be a part of that Fairy Tale... and YOU a part of mine... warms me to the core! I Love You Dearly... Sister of My Heart <3 Selah
Denise Girardin said…
How you were able to make each and every one of us for so individually special is such a fine and wondering trait. You did it, and you did it with apparent ease. Thanks so much for your generosity of spirit and warm and funny way.

tracey williams said…
What an amazing year. Love that you're living your dreams, very inspiring and looks like lots of fun x
bronnyk said…
WOW What an AWESOME year Tracy.... Thank you for sharing your experiences.... I really don't know how you did it all, I'm exhausted reading it...LOL.... So happy for you and your family... I too met my biological Father 3 years ago..... it is a very strange feeling, and we are in contact and I visit when I can..
Anna Bartlett said…
Great wrap up, Tracy! It was terrific to meet you this year. I'm finding that you have influenced every painting that has come out of my brush since we met!
Oh my goodness, what a wonderful, enjoyable, madly inspiring, uplifting and worth every moment of times spent reading and clicking on all the lovely, lovely photos, post! What an AMAZING year you had! I'm telling you, I am soaking this all in and feeling like I've you've put some serious wind beneath my creative wings in sharing all this. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you found your biological father!! That is serendity to the max!
Diane said…
That was a wonderful post, Tracy....I thought I commented but couldn't find it so I am commenting now...I hope 2013 is even better than 2012 for you! You are one of the best things to come my way in 2012...I discovered your beautiful paintings.....xo
FLBrit27 said…
Meeting you in St. Pete Beach was definitely one of my highlights for 2012. You are truly a beautiful soul and I feel privileged to have taken one of your workshops. You inspire me!
Tina said…
You are living the dream! What a great year, and inspiration to other artists. Hoping to have the good fortune to attend a workshop in Madison.
Anonymous said…
Wow! What a great year you had. I love your work. Hope to see you when you come back to California!
Susan Goodell said…
Wow, 2012 looks like it was a fantastic year for you. I think it's great you get travel, meet so many wonderful people and still be doing what you love. I hope 2013 proves to be just as adventurous for you.
jskovac said…
What a wonderful post and exciting year. I was in your class in Stamford Connecticut. It was so much fun. Maybe will take your class again this year. Love, love, love your art work!
Lei said…
Hello Tracy :). What a wonderful year you had! It was quite the deja vu to read this recap of your journey since I was following you "live" last year! You are such and inspiration to me and proof positive that with hard work, determination and the will to dream and follow our dreams...anything is possible! I know we will meet some day...until then...I will see you here! May your 2013 surpass all of your 2012 dreams and accomplishments!! :) xx. Lei
Anna said…
Hello Tracy,
You had an amazing year and hope the coming years will be as much exciting to you as 2012 has been!
Greets from Germany to the other side of the world!
Myra said…
Wow! What an incredible year you've had. How wonderful for you! I think your art is amazing and inspiring. Thank you for the chance to win one of your creations. Loved reading about your 2012, can't wait to see what happens in 2013 :)
Lori said…
To say that you've had an incredible year is an understatement. Your beautiful art speaks to our souls and your year's journey speaks to our heart. From our heart to yours, I hope this year's ride is equally incredible.
Unknown said…
Such fun adventures! Your artwork is amazing and so inspiring. I look forward to attending a workshop one day. Thank you for your generosity and for a chance to win one of your paintings.
kelly z.. said…
What an amazing year! You are truly an inspiration and I love your work!
wow, what an incredible adventure 2012 must have been for you. I'm not sure, if you can top it in 2013.
Effie said…
.... Well. What a great read..... It's made me want to get the paints out...
Elizabeth said…
Tracy Verdugo,

I just LOVE your journey! it is filled with adventures and educational moments that capture the heart, mind, & soul. I love your student's motivational and appreciation letters. I love your art work!

Elizabeth Aviles
Lisa Crail said…
That was all in one year? How amazing, emotional and exhausting! I think family is so, so important and that shines through with you. Take care have a great energizing 2012. said…
Wow miss tracey mojo what a year of art and travels.Fantastic way to go girl.... am so so proud of you and your achievements and look forward to a big mojo hug when i see you next in huskisson love to all kim said…
Wow miss tracey mojo what a year of art and travels.Fantastic way to go girl.... am so so proud of you and your achievements and look forward to a big mojo hug when i see you next in huskisson love to all kim lorraine
Jen said…
What an amazing combination of moments,events, and experiences this year has been for you! It is inspiring to see someone living their life with such passion!
Silvia cat said…
Wow that's life,
Amazing art work compliments.
Wow!! What an incredible year!! How fun!! I love your artwork!!

Irene said…
You may think that it was a long blog but it was fascinating and the photos were very good. It was especially nice to see all the art. Yours as well as that of the other people.

You certainly had an adventurous year and I would have liked to been with you for all of it. Maybe some of your awesome talent would have rubbed off on me. I would sure like to be able to paint like you.

Short of that, I would love to own one of your paintings. Being a bit on the poor side, the one way I can do that is by winning one in this drawing.

I have a wall reserved for a painting from you and I would walk beside my shoes with pride if I could hang it there and look at it every day. What a gratifying experience that would be.

I see you have many comments of people who all want a painting of you. I hope I stand a chance but so do they. May the best woman win.

It's great to see your art, Tracy. I have recently taken a part time job working dor an advisory agency for modern day culture and art. It's perfect for me.

Wini said…
Dear Tracy, I enjoyed reading your post. What an incredible year of adventures you had! The photos of your art look beautiful and congrats on your shows. And how awesome to meet your father and auntie! It was lovely to meet you and I'm happy to have been part of your Melbourne trip. Thank you for sharing your amazing year with us. Its so inspiring to see you living your dreams. Take care and wishing you another fantastic year in 2013! Wini xox
Creatissimo said…
Wow, what a year, Tracy! I'm really happy for you! I'm glad you spread colors and happiness all around the world, and your works are so wonderful and full of energy. I would love it if one of your works would light my home, too. All the best in a new year, too!
Wow - You've had SUCH a fun year!! I love your work and love following you on your adventures!! Thanks for the opportunity to hang one of your pieces in my home! :D
Nolwenn said…
What an incredible year for you. And that is amazing that you got your family to come with you on these adventures ! it is memories that will stick for all of you :)
Bambi said…
You have had an incredible year. Congrats. Can't wait to see what this year brings you.
Anonymous said…
Amazing year, you really have made the most of it! Very inspiring :-)
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful year. You h.ave touched so many lives and bought their arty side out to be nourished, .enjoyed and shared. Suzanne McGarry
Tracy, what an amazing year of adventure, love and creativity. It is deeply inspiring to read about your journey and to see the photos of all the paintings and all those beautiful, happy people whose creative hearts you touched. Looking at the entire year at once, it's as though you lit one artist's candle from your candle. That person in turn lit the next person's candle and your light spread around the world in that way. It's a beautiful accomplishment. I signed up for your 2-day workshop in Stamford and I can't wait!!!! So glad you are coming back! Much love to you and an even greater year than the last!!
Kim Dwyer said…
You have been truly blessed with your "special year" that you once thought was just a dream! I can't wait to hear the story about meeting your biological family, as I hope to meet mine someday too!!!
Big hugs to you!!!
Karrlin Bain said…
Oh my goodness it is a beautiful life!!!! <3 Thanks for sharing so much loveliness!! ~Karrlin
oh my...what a journey...delighted and blessed to have been a part of it...sending tons of love and it will be delightful when you return!!
Unknown said…
Wow...that is some kind of year. Filled with inspiration.
I enjoyed the visit. Thanks for sharing.
Charlotte Phillips
Anonymous said…
Wow wow wow wow wow!!! Tracy this is incredible reading back over all of your inspiring achievements this year. I love your sponteneity and your just "let's do it" without any hesitation, attitude to life. You really do make the most of every oportunity in life and life life to it's fullest. Beautiful, empowering, inspiring and ful of joy. May your year ahead in 2013 be even better. Wishing you much more success, happiness & love in life and all things creative. Thank-you for your encouragement and never ending inspiration beautiful. Liza xxx
Suzanne said…
What an awesome year for you... lots of love... lots of art... lots of travel. What a blessing. Very happy for you.
lura brown said…
I would love to win a painting from you but I already got the best present meet you in person and get lots of warm hugs. I miss you so much pretty lady. xoxox
Amy O'Toole said…
Tracy, what an amazing life you have! Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for forming the Magically Mixed group; it is so wonderful to see all of the beauty that is there!
thank you for the inspiration Tracy!
Enjoy Judy Wise while she is there-she is another gem like yourself, full of love and inspiration and giving.
denthe said…
Wow, what a year Tracy! I loved reading about all your adventures and seeing the pics with the different ways your students interpreted your classes. Looks like this year might be even more exciting (if that is at all possible....) Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for taking me around the world with you. I would love to take your classes. Maybe next year you can visit us in Arizona!
robin west
You had a fantastic year! Wishing you double as much in 2013. :)
Laura S Reading said…
Wow- a wild and crazy AMAZing year! I know this next one will bring more happiness and good surprises.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic! It is always such a joy to experience your joy and sincere gratitude in all that youdo, receive and experience Tracy, a good reminder for us all, and in particular me:D
Kelly Heggem said…
It's been fun following the you around the globe! For 2013 we should play where in the world is Tracy Verdugo :)
Galia Alena said…
Ok, throwing my name in the hat- how delicious would it be to have a bit of postal love in this corner of the world with one of your yummy creations.

JudyK said…
Oh Tracy!! What a year you had! Thank you for sharing your experiences, it was fun and entertaining reading about them and seeing all your pictures, and hopefully the ones you couldn't find! Many lucky women being able to take your classes! Any chance of you doing a video class for people like me who can't get to them?
ramath said…
I can't wait to meet you in Brisbane - only 3 weeks to go(and counting!)
Sue Cottle said…
Wow! What a wonderfully amazing year you've had! How cool meeting your father, and aunt. I'd so love to come over the ditch and take a Paint Mojo workshop with you - maybe next year!

sue:) from NZ
Kathy said…
Wow... what an amazing year (and post).. so much fun and art.. blessings everywhere... Love it!
Big hug....
Illuminart said…
Congratulations Tracy.. what a great, adventurous year! Even finding family you hadn't previously known. The picture of you w/feet dangling in the water being nibbled by little fish is hilarious. Thanks & many blessings! Tayanna
Unknown said…
I am exhasted just reading all you did this year!Wow what a great post.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful stories and pictures.I love your Art and am a newbie just exploring how to make my own.Thanks again for inspiring me to higher Art.Debbie
Yarrow Summers said…
Hi Tracy,

Thank you for sharing all of your amazing adventures and your art with us this past year. You certain had me spell bound as you trotted from here to there leaving dozens of inspired artists, not to mention all of the beautiful paintings, in your wake. I am genuinely looking forward to meeting you in September and taking your classes. 'Til then, ta ta.
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