Hello my creative adventurers!!
Long time, no see, in this bloggity part of the world!
I hope all is wonder-filled in your lives and that your troubles are small and few,
or even non existent!
my sincere apologies
I entered the zone of no return once more, by not posting for so long,
that it became too overwhelming to share all the amazingness,
so I just didn't.
Things are settling a little now though, and I am back on board, ready to pull up a chair,
share a cuppa with you all and fill you in,
(in bite size chunks~goodbye overwhelm!)
on happenings past, present and future!
So today, lets talk TRAVEL!!
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust
Marcel Proust
Over the next few weeks, each Thursday, we will do some dreaming together as I introduce all of the longer retreats I will be facilitating in 2015 (and begin to plan for 2016) and invite you to gift yourself the space and time to join me in one of several very special places next year, for a longer journey into finding your mojo and nurturing your creative spirit.
Lets talk about Ireland,
a place of dreams and mystery, music and dance,
history and enchantment,
Guinness and giggles... (well hearty laughs more like it!)
A place that I am thrilled to be teaching at in June 2015, and not just a small two day affair mind you, but a full immersion,
no holds barred Irish Mojo finding retreat
in astoundingly beautiful West Cork with 4 whole days/5 nights to explore and be inspired!
My wonderful friend and super talented artist herself, Pauline Agnew will be my host and I am beside myself with excitement thinking about what she has planned for us!
What are you doing between
14th-19th June, 2015?
Why not join me here?
Here's what Pauline had to say about our destination when she first put the idea out to me!
Needless to say it didn't take much to convince me!
"Clonakilty is an award winning seaside town with
lots of colour and flowers, a feature of West Cork towns in general, but Clon
as we call it here is my favourite!
It has great restaurants, pubs and the people are
really friendly.
The Paint Mojo Ireland retreat will be held at 'Fernhill House Hotel and
Gardens' on
the outskirts of the town and here is your workshop space! This marquee has plenty of space for creative play and is set in four acres of beautiful gardens with a
glorious view. VERY inspiring for artists! There are also bathroom facilities
right beside the marquee and I will provide a tea and coffee station.
Each participant will have a private room and
bathroom. That will really appeal, and the bedrooms are lovely. It's a family
hotel and has 27 bedrooms. It's warm, bright,and welcoming as you can see from
the reception area, and the staff are lovely."
Paint Mojo – Ireland
This trip of a lifetime includes:
- opening night wine reception.
- 5 nights bed and breakfast in a PRIVATE room with bath, in Fernhill House Hotel.
- 4 day workshop with Tracy.
- Gathering inspiration Day trip by boat to Garinish Island, West Cork, a magical location.
- ‘A taste of West Cork’ evening cookery class
- Final night dinner with wine at Fernhill House Hotel
- 4 delicious lunches catered by Fernhill House.
Please note: Fee does not include travel costs to this destination.
Paint Mojo – Ireland
Event Fee = €1175/$1598 US
Places are limited and starting to fill so don't wait too long.
Head on over here to register today!
You might also want to extend your trip a little before or after the workshop. So much BEAUTY to explore!!
Image Credit: Great Island Photography 

This last image from a great blog that will have you even more inspired!
Well thats all for now. Let me know if you're tempted
as my great uncle Tas used to say
"Top of the morning to you!"
I wont leave it so long between drinks next time! :)
PS: Tracy's courses are amazing - I've done one and will do more.