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9 days of giveaways- in celebration of an incredible year!!!

Paint Mojo France closing circle in July

Day one of my 9 day 2015 recap 
(cos' fitting it into one post was an impossibility!) 
is devoted to my amazing students. 
A post of gratitude for my wonderful hosts will be coming up soon!

Over the next couple of weeks I want to share with you my epic year and in celebration I will be hosting a massive giveaway with winners for each of the nine posts. 

Please sign up here to make sure you don't miss any of the giveaway chances!

I will be reflecting on my year through the lenses of color, curiosity, big magic, nourishment, art i made, love, wonder and wanderlust.

For a chance to win all you have to do is read through each post (maybe pour a glass of wine or a cup of tea first), scroll to the bottom to see what I am giving away that day and tell me something you loved about 2015!

Thank you for being a part of my world! 
each one of you makes it glisten a little more 

Oh my, what a year! 
I felt my heart expand and my vision both widen and simplify 
as I journeyed thousands of miles over nine months, 
teaching twenty Paint Mojo workshops and retreats in person, 
and more than 1000 students online while I travelled. 
Connecting deeply with my students, 
realising we all have the same fears and desires, the same yearning to feed our creative soul, 
the same voices of doubt holding us back.

KNOWING beyond a shadow of doubt
 that it is my mission and purpose 
to help my students step into their light, move past their fears, 
declare their beauty and strength and inspire others in the process.

I truly believe that we are in the midst of a creative R/EVOLUTION, 

that accessing our pure creative voice and giving it permission to flow, 
links us to Source, Love, God, Great Spirit, whatever name you choose
 and in honoring that connection 
more of all that is good enters the world.

If you'd like to join me to ignite your creative fire either in person (there are only a few spots left in my 2016 workshops here ) or online, you can keep an eye out on my website for whats new or better still sign up here to be kept in the loop for new paintings, workshops and ecourses! 

Join me below in a pictorial journey of this years Paint Mojo happenings!

We gathered in Palm Desert, California...... a beautiful space to create at Venus Studios!

Five days hanging out with these talented beauties was an awesome way to start my 2015 teaching tour :)

My dear friend Annie Hooten found the best venue for me in Albuquerque! 

and I got to hang out for a weekend with these amazing women!

I always adore teaching at the fabulous Studio Crescendoh!

and I always meet the sweetest people there.

I headed off for a triple dose of Texas LOVE!! 
First Houston....
with these gorgeous creatives!

Then Dallas where we wore flowers in our hair and sprawled out onto the sidewalk in the sunshine!

Beautiful Dallas smiles!

and last but not least I returned to awesome Austin
 where we always have a blast at my friend Janna's warehouse. 
Such a great space!
and an incredible diverse array of work!

Travelling North we explored the gorgeousness of Whidbey Island and had the most wonderful five days making art and enjoying the gracious hospitality of the Pacific Northwest Art School! I'll be back there next June if you'd like to join me for five days of exuberant painting! All the info is right here :)

Just look at the magic made by this years students!

I flew into Indianapolis and drove through the pretty countryside to the picture perfect town of Newburgh Indiana where I was greeted by the loveliest group of women!

We painted in the old Lock and Dam building right there on the banks of the Ohio

and enjoyed a super fun dinner together one evening :)
I cant wait to visit again in 2016 and there are just a few spots left so please come on over and check out the info here!

I always love a roadtrip so I jumped back into my rental car, turned the radio up and headed to Donna Downey's amazing studio in Huntersville North Carolina. 

Donna and her students cracked me up in the best of ways while we painted together for the weekend :)))

 Another roadtrip down to the coast to meet mi amor in the Outer Banks then together we headed to Long Island, NY for a remarkable three days of Paint Mojo in a sublime location by the beach. 

 These lovely women created a plethora of beauty!

The longest roadtrip of the US leg from NY to Florida was a bunch of fun with our youngest daughter Sienna joining us for the journey. We stopped for a few days on stunning Fripp Island, hosted by one of my lovely and generous students Iris Pattillo. 

I love returning to see my friends in St Pete Beach each year and look forward to next May when we'll be together again!
*Both 2016 Florida Paint Mojos are sold out but you can let us know if you'd like to be on the wait list by emailing
You just never know when a spot might come up.

My last workshop in the US was held in Melbourne Florida and oh my...what a way to end!
The amazing space at Art More Place was beyond perfect and we all bonded like old friends....

in fact a big reunion is planned for next May and the class sold out in just a few days!

After three months in the US we crossed the big pond and headed to the UK and Europe for the first time in our lives! My first class got together in beautiful Brighton to find our Mojo....

and they certainly did!
 Then it was over to the lush green beauty of Ireland where we made magic in our beautiful surrounds for five days of fun!

My wonderful friend Pauline Agnew made sure everything was PERFECT! I couldn't have envisioned it any better!

 After Ireland we flew to France and eight of us, PLUS mi amor, thoroughly enjoyed a week together in the picturesque medieval village of Durfort. 
Our experience at La Cascade was one that we will remember for a lifetime.

scrumptious food and wine prepared by the sweetest chef Nese...

the sound of this beautiful stream outside our windows and moments of pure blissful connection.
so much sunshine and laughter!

and then came Portugal! Oh my, the food, the wine, the color and creative flair everywhere at Margaridas beautiful studio in Estoril!
and once again my dear students, each one gorgeous in their own way.... 

What a week!

so much amazing work and our spirits saturated with color and joy!

from Portugal we headed back through Spain and then hightailed it to the North of Germany, a roadtrip I wouldn't care to repeat, having picked up some dreadful virus along the way. My caring host Anna took me swiftly off to the Doctors and a course of antibiotics helped me get through the weekend, along with this bevy of amazing artists who put up with my coughing and filled my spirit with their good vibes!

Heading even more Northward we took the overnight ferry to Sweden where our dear friends Jenny, Simon, Lucas, Meya and Max took us in like family and fed me back to wellness with delicious home cooked meals. 

I so enjoyed my time Stockholm and my Scandinavian students (and a couple of lovelies from other parts of the planet) were an awesome and eager bunch. Several had never picked up a brush before. We were also lucky enough to have an amazing Chagall exhibition right upstairs from us so we soaked up the inspiration from that all weekend!

 Last stop on this grand workshop tour was whipped up by the effervescent Pascale Tichelaar who asked me if I wouldn't mind adding in just one more workshop in the Netherlands since we were going to be so close. 
I said YES and I'm so glad I did. 
Pascale and her family live in an amazingly beautiful place, 
were such fantastic and generous hosts and her studio is fantastic!

I met several of my wonderful online friends and adored all of these Dutch  and German beauties and their awesome paintings! 

**popping back in to edit because OMG how could I forget to include my last workshop of the year back home in our beautiful little village of Huskisson!!
We gathered in the local Scout Hall from all over Australia, two weeks after my return home, to share stories and spread our creative wings

an extraordinary group of creative seekers and a perfect way to end my teaching year!

and NOW if you managed to get through all of that......

Todays giveaway is one spot in each of my two Mini Mojo workshops, 
'Animalitos' and 'Pattern. Color. Texture!'
Valued at $59 each you can read more about these self paced, 
fully downloadable online workshops here

Good luck to everyone who enters today! 
Dont forget to leave a comment below to be in the draw!

Tomorrow I'll be giving away a little original painting and sharing my year through the lens of color!


dori said…
I loved seeing your world tour of painting happiness. I live in northern California. I would love to take one of your courses in person or online. I can see that color makes you as happy as it makes me!
Laura Lees said…
Wow, what a feast of color and joy for my eyes reading through your year of adventures!
Unknown said…
The outdoor lunch in France looks amazing and I love the circle of women holding hands. It looks like you develop a really special bond with your fellow artists. Your photos are the best! How to catch up with you for a workshop someday. :)
Unknown said…
That is...Hope to catch up with you.
Unknown said…
Hi Tracy, omwoeld love to be in a workshop with you! I bought your book and had such fun!
Unknown said…
That is...Hope to catch up with you.
Patricia Laine said…
I started hand painting Australian Animals and turning these drawings into greeting cards way back in the very early 90's. I love animals and any form of art that contains them, which reminds me, as well as illustrating human faces in my art Journalling I need to incorporate some animals as well ����✏
Unknown said…
The outdoor lunch in France looks amazing and I love the circle of women holding hands. It looks like you develop a really special bond with your fellow artists. Your photos are the best! How to catch up with you for a workshop someday. :)
cgo said…
Tracy, you continue to inspire us. Thank you.
Unknown said…
such a wonderful trip!sound to me like the best experience... teaching so many interesting people and be able to teach your amazing art..
Suzee said…
Oh, what an incredible journey for both yourself and your students! I can't wait to join you on Whidbey Island and soak up some inspiration.
Corinna said…
Wow, what a burst of color!
Rachel said…
Wow Tracy what an amazing adventure you have had and what wonderful friends you have made across the world. It has been wonderful following you and all your students creative journeys. I have enjoyed your 6 week online course allowing me to open up to a whole new world or creativity. Thank you for the opportunity. I am very grateful to you for igniting the colour in me!
Prerna Poojara said…
wow wow wow and wow and wow.... your students work looks so gorgeous thanks to you. I would so love to learn from you. They all look so so happy and cheerful. And you spread the joy in so many places. 2015 looks amazing. And I hope you have a fantastic 2016 and beyond. Stay blessed.
Hi Tracy... it is good to see you looking back on this special many creative souls joined in your classes and it feels like we all connect.. holding our brushes high up to show we can all unite above country or religion or any thing else that sets people apart. I enjoy being part of these united creative souls and our energy will spread peace around us!
You leed the way!xxx Anne Marie
Bec Fowler said…
What a fantastic life travelling, meeting like minded people and bringing creativity and inspiration to so many. I would love this role - maybe one day!! Thank you for sharing. Becky Fowler
Unknown said…
I loved the colors that I've been seeing in 2015 on paintings get better to amazing. The palettes are fabulos!
artbyildy said…
Dear Tracy,
I’m crazy happy that I find a beautiful artist like you who has generous soul to find out how to help others to be creative and to get out of daily routine and to be woman and worth people in the grey world.
You are the sunshine!
Thank you once again for supporting artists and not artist as well and for your generous nature.
You changes my life and I'm really greatful that I find you. I would like to learn from you as much as possible
big hug from the other side of the World
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Myrto said…
I would feel so priviledged to have an in-person class with you! Next time you come to Europe, consider Greece as well!
In the meantime, I love, love, love your on-line classes!
MarikoMS said…
I was so lucky to be part of the session in Dallas this year and look forward to sharing the experience with my daughter in 2016!!
Loz said…
I loved creating with my 9 year old granddaughter during 2015....teaching her to be free with her believe in herself and to not be upset when people don't see what she sees in her art...its beautiful moments like these I treasure......Loz....
Hilona said…
I would love to have a live lesson from you. I couldn't make it when you came to the Netherlands. Fingers crossed you will be back some day.
What an amazing work your students did, but how could they not, with you as their teacher ❤
Louise said…
An amazing colorful and creative year. Wow!
DonnaD said…
Lovely post. Seeing my grandchildren,who live in Germany, three times in 2015 made me very happy.
hennies.pennies said…
Wow! Look at all the wonderful creations that have gone out into the world from these workshops! Amazing things!! Thanks for the wonderful post, it makes me feel all inspired!!

Be especially blessed, Kathy H
koreakiwi said…
It's so encouraging and inspiring to see how many women are making beautiful art. Just fantastic! This year I also made time and space in my life for creating and painting ^^
HB said…
Wow. Amazing pictures. So much fun and adventure was had. Can't wait to see where you head to next year!
Anonymous said…
Wow, these are amazing. I'm so glad you had such an amazing year. I'm looking forward to doing your class on Life Book 2016
Sue Grilli said…
What a fabulous group of women you got to meet on your travels this year. Hope you have an amazing 2016
Jackie PN said…
The places, the faces, the artwork ,the experiences you have shared here seem so wonderful!! Lucky you to have been able to touch so many lives Tracy!! Thank you so much for sharing these times with us- I look forward to more!
Keeping my fingers crossed!
Blessings~ Jackie ")
Linda R said…
I cannot even imagine living in your shoes - what an unbelievable journey! I have a hard time thinking I can create the amazing art I see from your students but am willing to try - loved seeing the photots from your trip and can't wait to see more. Thank you.
Bronwyn said…
Wow what a year to remember! It was so wonderful to share your adventures through photos on Facebook. You truly have such amazing energy Tracy & it's so wonderful that you love to share your love for art with so many people around the world. We all love you & look forward to seeing you again in 2016 💗
Kristen said…
Great photos! I would love to take one of your classes so thanks for this giveaway!
What a lovely rainbow of colors you and your students have created around the world!! Love, love, love!!!
Jorin said…
Wow, great work and photos! It's a pity that I don't live near you, so I only can take an online class with you. Thanks for the chance to win a spot!
Unknown said…
So lovely and uplifting. All that color just warms the heart. I am grateful for the opportunity to win. Thank you!
Unknown said…
So lovely and uplifting. All that color just warms the heart. I am grateful for the opportunity to win. Thank you!
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh, dear One, what an adventure you have been on! Truly amazing to see the amount of hearts you have touched and been touched by! I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to spend time with you and add my own glow to the creative light that surrounds you.
I would love to win some extra mojo to tide me over until our reunion next spring in Melbourne, Florida. Thanks for sharing your light so beautifully!!
pammie~k said…
What an awesome journey this year has been. May 2016 be as wonderful.
pammie~k said…
What an awesome journey this year has been. May 2016 be as wonderful.
Janet Ghio said…
What a ear of adventures and painting you've had!! What would we o without paint and art to see us through al the days of the year!
Diva Kreszl said…
As I was not able to join you in person this year reading all your posts and taking your e-course was the next best thing! I always enjoy seeing where your adventures take you and seeing the magic you extract from your students!
Anonymous said…
I would love to have the opportunity to evolve and grow as an artist in one of you try workshops. So much bright color and movement. Its spectacular!
Joyce said…
Oh my goodness...what a beautiful tour of lively spirits and such beautiful colorful art!!! Thank you for sharing your joy!!!
Anonymous said…
I would love to win a spot in this class. Thanks for the opportunity! Peace, Ronda
judith said…
What a year, Tracy. Look at the beauty and joy you have unleashed! Blessings as you sail into 2016. Judith
Mary Dean said…
Oh, my! I would love to win the classes! Thanks and happy holidays to your and yours!
Unknown said…
Soo loved going through all of your photos! What talented artists! I Adore your art, and hope to attend one of your workshops in the future! I'll have to check when you'll be in Melbourne again!!
LilartSanat said…
my work changed since I started taking your courses. It became Colorfull and sparkly, thank you so much for taking my hand in this creative adventure
Unknown said…
What an amazing year you've had. The places you've gone and the people you've met. I love what you've created. Thanks for sharing your joy!
Pantyur said…
Dear Tracy,
You are amazing artist, thanks for sharing your talent
love love
bin said…
It always brings a smile to my face to see the joy in each participants face. Such wonderful work and a true testament to you Tracy and your infectious spirit. Happy new year to you!
Lumenskara said…
I wish a could take part in one of your amazing life changing personal workshop.
warm greetings
Jan Davis said…
Tracy! Wow! I've heard so much about you and after looking at your photos I can "feel the love"!

Such beautiful art and happy women - - keep sharing!

I live in San Miguel de Allende Mexico...maybe you'll come down here sometime ?!?!?!?

Jan Davis
Jean said…
This warmed up a cold, rainy day! Such gorgeous pictures. Looks like everyone had such fun! I would love to take a class and be inspired like they were! Thank you for the opportunity!
Unknown said…
I have enjoyd evry leg of your adventure. Even ill in Germany you carried on w your classes. I felt your heart opening even wider as your travels took you further and further away from your home nest. Welcome home, hugs, bj
Maggi Focke said…
You are making the world a much brighter, more colorful place one canvas/heart/spirit at a time!
Ally said…
What a WONDERFUL post!!! It was like traveling the world right along side of you =) I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your globe-trotting and all of the spectacular creative fun you had. 2015 was a wonderful year for me and the two most amazing things that I love that my husband finally got a terrific job after being unemployed for 5 years in our terrible economy!! HOORAY! The second thing is that I have come so far in my personal art journey =) I feel like I am slowly coming into my own, and that feels SUPER! <3
Unknown said…
Wow what a year and I am so pleased I was part of it! I am ready for more Mojo...
Ali Gitt said…
Such a year of beauty created and so neat to see it in pictures. Blessings.
Unknown said…
Hi Tracy I remember when I saw your wonderful Paint Mojo ecourse and I got it... so much fun and great moments. Kisses Rossana
Unknown said…
Hello Tracy, It must be fabulous and awe inspiring to meet so many smiling faces and to see and experience so many wonderful places around the world. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey. Peace and Love, Bev Sparks
Jacqualine Hart said…
All I can say is what AWESOMENESS!! Thanks for sharing.
Melissa Purrucker-Maiore said…
In everything you write and on the pictures I see smiles , sunshine, colors, the joy of being together and share... thank you for daring and sharing your light
Gedeon said…
Dear Tracy,
You work hard to make people happy!
Thank you for dharing your talent!
Unknown said…
You have had some great adventures in 2015! I have to say that I love how I've become comfortable in my own skin in 2015. Comfortable as an artist, a friend, a mother and a lover. I've also learned how to depend less on others and really take a risk such as traveling to NYC for a fun art filled weekend over the summer. I see how trips like that can be very addictive!

Thanks again for sharing and being so giving!
Christy said…
WOW! Love seeing your students work!
Unknown said…
What a great year of teaching and traveling! And I spied my luck cousin Scarlet, who got to take the class in Newburgh!
Cathy said…
What a review of 2015. You had an amazing year. Thanks for sharing. Please enter me in your draw. Thanks.
Kim said…
Finally have been blessed to be able to take a class from you! See you in the Life Book 2016 classroom Tracy! <3
Unknown said…
Oh how I would love to win :) Amazing art, amazing inspiration :)
Terry J Walker said…
2015 was the year I found my courage. We had a summer of hurricane swells and I surfed the biggest waves of my life. Double overhead. Not bad for a 63 year old woman!!! I also found my courage and confidence with painting. I am listening to my inner painter, following the flow, and making bold moves. I am loving what is happening!
What a wonderful year, I'm so happy everything worked out for you at Venus Studios in Palm Desert, I told Deb she would love you!
Happy Holidaus and best wishes for a creative 2016.
Unknown said…
I loved following your awesome trip. bringing alive all of my own travel experiences. Since I was lucky enough to do a weekend workshop with you myself and having experienced the atmosphere in Class, made it even more real to feel the Love and Friendship in your Workshops. I had a year of growing, due to your Paint Mojo e-course (twice) and "Animalito's" and now looking forward to dive into "Pattern Texture Colour". Although having a lot of "Blocks" in 2015, I pushed through them and feel that you so inspired my own artistic Journey, that I feel I have found my very own storytelling in Art, and I am so grateful to you for that.
Catherine said…
What an amazing collection of groups, all looking totally happy and inspired? I wish I could have come to your Brighton workshop! The best thing about 2015 for me has been watching my little girl growing from a tiny baby into a feisty toddler with a wonderful personality. I can't wait to do lots of painting with her in the future!
Joy George said…
What an amazing journey for you Tracy,and how lucky all those ladies were to be part of it.
Have done a workshop and E-course with you and was very inspiring.
Unknown said…
I'm working on Animalitos now. My inky owls are making me smile today :) Would LOVE to experience Pattern, Texture, Color as well!
Scrappin' Stacy said…
I would love to win a spot in these 2 amazing classes. Thanks for the opportunity to do so!
Anonymous said…
I learned this year that I love to paint and express myself! I took 2 classes with you and had so much fun!
natski said…
So much colour and vibrancy, what an amazing year you've had :)
bettywisse said…
WOW the colors are fantastic ! I would love to win a spot in your Animalitos' and 'Pattern. Color. Texture class.
Your your life an art are such an amazing adventure. Your classes look like so much fun! Thank you for your generosity! I would love to take a class with you!
Mavi BlueEagle said…
Blessed ladies who have the opportunity to learn directly from you. One of my blessings this year was to see my toddler boy rides his first little bycicle and said loud I can mama I can! Touchy moment!
Mavi BlueEagle said…
Blessed ladies who have the opportunity to learn directly from you. One of my blessings this year was to see my toddler boy rides his first little bycicle and said loud I can mama I can! Touchy moment!
Cecilia Stevenson said…
Just love the world of colorful possibilities Tracy's teachings
has opened for me. I am so grateful!
Amy M said…
Love the colors and animalito's. So cute. Thanks for sharing
Josey said…
How exciting! I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the pics. Thanks for sharing.
Bea said…
Every photo has so much fab color!...b
Cathy J said…
So inspiring! Love all the beautiful work by you and your students.
Lisa K said…
Amazing! I would love to come to one of your workshops.
michelle said…
What a wonderful colourful world you live in and are creating. so much inspiration and eye candy ! I wished you would come to Ontario Canada. I travelled back to my home town in the uk in the summer and also visited Paris and Spain for my 25th wedding anniversary it was so exciting but the best was seeing family and old friends. So glad you enjoyed your travels and i am looking forward to seeing your next posts.
K said…
A live workshop with you is on my dream list, but an online one would keep me happy for a while!
All I can say, this year Painting found me. Here is where the Magic happens. (Or is it Paint Mojo found me? ;D❤️)
peggymcd said…
I followed you all for 9 months during your tour, it's nice to see even more pictures.
Deborah Weber said…
What a delight seeing all those examples of exuberant creativity and color. Heart medicine at its finest!
Robin Black said…
Your workshops look amazing. Definitely on my bucket list!
Painting Pixies said…
Would love a chance to finally take one of your classes, money has always been an issue for me and so this would be the PERFECT opportunity!!!!
Anne O said…
Love all of the luscious color! Thanks for the opportunity for arm chair traveling.
Unknown said…
I loved seeing all the fun that went on in these workshops!
Mimzy said…
Would love to take your mini classes!
koreakiwi said…
2015 has been a big year for me ~ my first grandchild was born. New life reminds me that we can all reinvent ourselves at any age , create and explore through our art
2015 has shaped up to be a wonderful year of discovery...discovered art journaling and the fabulous world of art workshops online (and in person)!!!
Tracy, it's amazing that you travel the country and world, leaving a wake of color, inspiration, and fullness. 💕🎨💕
nadia said…
2015 was filled with highs and lows. one of my most precious moments was a week long get away with my son. we painted, played and enjoyed amazing company and food. thank you for sharing your 2015!
artbyildy said…
Dear Tracy,
In my whole life I painted with high expectations always concentrate to the result instead of the joy and freedom always know what to paint
Since your e-course I love create I am free and I don't care about the outcome just enjoy the process.
Thank you

love to learn more from you
hug ♥ ♥ ♥
Lumi said…
Hi dear and merry Xmas!
You colour our life and thank for it
Pantyür said…
Dear Tracy,
I love to see your tour on your website, thanks for sharing those beaufiful artistic pictures.

Wish you an other happy CREATIVE new year

Unknown said…
I love sharing about your giveaway ~ shared on fb and instagram! xoxo
Jo Murray said…
Animalitos....just the name conjures up such quirky creatures. Lucky students to do a real workshop with you. Looks like such productive fun.
Unknown said…
I absolutely love your year in review. I have always been following you. I was dying when you went to Donna Downey's Studio, because how cool would that be to see such magic going on there?! I appreciate 2015 so much as I really really feel I have really reintroduced myself back into my art, and the artist who I want to be. I am not defined by what my Monday thru Friday job is. I want to truly embrace this art and find my inner muse! Art is definitely my calling, and it has been calling me all day and night. Youre teachings and offerings, books, and website are seriously inspirational to me.
Lynette (NZ) said…
What a wonderful year you've had and especially great that you continue to share the love with us <3
Cathy said…
Love your work. Hopefully the luck fairies are with me and I will win one of your wonderful prizes. Thanks.

Cathy M
EarthMother said…
Great photos, adventures and giveaway! Very inspiring :)
Robyn Wood said…
So many lucky students have shared in your joy of colour and creation this year. Thank you for inspiring us through sharing these posts and chances to win.
Sandy said…
Look at all the happiness you brought out in your students. How wonderful to be the catalyst.
Sandy said…
Look at all the happiness you brought out in your students. How wonderful to be the catalyst.
Unknown said…
So dang inspiring. On so many levels. Would love to take one of your classes!
Susan Burgess said…
Wow! You have accomplished so much in such short time! Congratulations for all that amazingness and artistic energy you bring to others. You my friend are a ball of inspiration letting loose joy to artists everywhere! God bless you Tracy! Hugs and hope to be taking a class with you myself one day in the future, Susan Burgess(Sanna)
Karen Dudley said…
Tracy I have been so inspired to explore my creativity with your guidance. You truly have brought a burst of colour & genuine happiness to my world which at times is a bit of a dark place for me. Thank you. Karen
DonnaD said…
Lucky, lovely ladies
Unknown said…
This would be just the best gift, what a amazing journey you have been on.
Unknown said…
I too am a lover of bright colors. Your paintings are so full of magic and all of your classes and adventures seem to be too! A magical life
artbyildy said…
Hello Dear
Gave a nice xmas Holiday, a magical rest during the magical journey.
warm hug
cgo said…
Happy New Year...2016...may it be beautiful!
Adriana said…
I'm so in love with your mini classes! Such wealth of creativity! Thank you!❤
Unknown said…
I will, I will, I will attend a Paint Mojo class. I am facinated by your art. Until then, I will explore and create and take your online classes!
Anonymous said…
Tracy- thank you for giving yourself so generously. I really believe that art is soul and you share your soul every time you teach!
Unknown said…
Wow the amount of people you have met on your journey is amazing. They will have left an imprint on your life.
Birgit Kerr said…
So much beautiful art, so many beautiful people - so much (he)art connection! Beautiful!
The art you share with your students is evident, of course, but what I really am drawn to are all of the smiles you've put on people's faces. Bravo!
Unknown said…
What a fabulous 2015 you had. Mine too was a good year. A year of growth and healing. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart.
SewPaperPaint said…
Oh Tracy, I so wish I could win these fabulous classes. I would be thrilled to learn from you and admire your creativity! Thanks so much for the chance. Have a wonderful New Year! Thanks so much for these giveaways. <3
Alex said…
I so love your work, I've been admiring from afar for a while and even asked for you book for Christmas! Thank you for sharing your work and soul with us!
Pati said…
You are like a paint mojo fairy flying all over the world sprinkling fairy paint, inspiring creativity! I love it!
coco.nut said…
you had an amazing year (I was following your journey on IG, so I know what I'm talking about) :)
you asked about my year - it started with a family tragedy, but I also learned a lot, read some wise books, created some art, changed my diet and lost 10kg! this last thing seems the best :)))

I love your art and I'd love to win, especially a spot in "Animalitos"! thank you for this generous chance!
Colorful Heart said…
love that you are not only a gifted artist...but that you delight in sharing that gift with others through classes!
Unknown said…
I love how you want to connect and share with every student Ecurses and physical courses
Unknown said…
So amazing, the memories of Sacred Marks
Marie said…
Some day, some day, I hope to make it to one of your workshops!
Unknown said…
so happy that you are as generous with your talent as you are with your spirit!
M Adaya LeMae said…
So much fun! Definitely gonna have to Mojo Paint with you one day!
Angie Bumgarner said…
I hope I get to attend one of your workshops some day!
the mojo workshops look really really really fun. Yay! Reed
Michael said…
I hope someday to be able to take a workshop with you!
Kelcie Bryant-Duguid said…
What a wonderful year you have had! Thank you for sharing some of the places you have visited and the wonderful groups you have taught throughout the year. You have certainly reignited my desire to travel and paint!
Unknown said…
Ah wonderful memories. I am still there in my heart splashing in that stream. Thanks for that great experience. Hugs!!!
Unknown said…
Oh and sitting at that table with such wonderful women.
Unknown said…
Tracy, Thank you so much for the Paint Mojo class! YOU changed my life. 🎨
Ciara said…
Ab Fab being part of your Stockholm workshop surrounded by such wonderful creative souls in a beautifful setting. We had a hoot in room 602 when not in the studio ;) Delicious fun fun fun
HeARTworks said…
Truly what an exciting year! What's in store for 2016?!!!!
KarenS said…
I wish could have seen you in your US travels this year.
Deitra Hart said…
I'm in for 2016!!! Can't wait to meet you at Donna's studio this year!
Michelle Remy said…
Look at all those lucky, smiling, creativity-flushed faces at your classes & retreats! I loved the online version of Paint Mojo so I can only imagine how fun it is to take an in-person class! Thank you for an opportunity to take another class with you!
Unknown said…
Your energy inspires me! What an amazing year, spreading joy, color, love, and inspiration! Thank you, Tracy, for sharing your journey!
Lisa said…
Just LOOK at all of those people whose lives you've touched. You are an inspirational and energetic force, and I am so grateful for you.
Jodi said…
Your classes and retreats look so fun!
cjaxon said…
Your classes look like such fun! And oh, the colors!
Mary Hurlburt said…
A most amazing journey. Thank you for your generosity!
Carol Regan said…
You were in Dallas? That must have been before i discovered you through a friend. So that was one really good thing about 2015, and I look forward to seeing more of your work and words in 2016. Thanks for taking the time to write and share your stories of your adventures.
Stephanie Danbom said…
I LOVE all the powerful, Artsy Women you spend your days with! I cannot wait to be a part of that experience one day! Hugs! Stephanie