Painting Miss Daisy...a parting gift for my wonderful N.Carolina host Phyllis Peterson.
as time slips away on this wonderful adventure
and one amazing experience leads into the next 
my days are so filled with new friends, new places and experiences 
that I dont know that i'll ever find the time to describe this trip the way i would like.
Perhaps when I get home to Australia...we'll see :) I have been working on this post for the past week and have realised that I may have to break it down so here is part one :)
For now, sitting here in my hotel room in Orlando where Sienna has joined me for a weekend of fun
I will attempt to give you a whirlwind glimpse into the happenings of the past few weeks.
we visited the family ranch in Cantamar where Marco spent some of his early years..
riding horses into the hills
many things unchanged...
a beautiful time together but far too short....
and then it was time for me to move on....
Next stop Lotus Ranch, Wimberley Texas where my sweet friend Selah Gay spent months preparing the most heartful Paint Mojo retreat. I was truly awed and overwhelmed by the level of care and preparation and beautiful intent lavished upon this gathering by both Selah and her husband Dan who cooked for twenty women for three days with a smile on his face the whole time! We shared creative time, fun and games and hot tub secrets. Plus some quiet time for reflection and sharing down by the lotus pond. A big thanks to Michael for such a wonderful venue!
Selah created a magical space for us to paint!
and we played
and played....
after Wimberley I moved on to Canyon Lake and spent two days with my lovely friend Em who I met WAY back in the days of My Space. Em came to Australia and spent a week with our family some years back, during which time we dragged her to a community protest against overdevelopment in our small town and enlisted her help in creating artworks with local aboriginal children.....this time it was Em's turn to show me around her local turf!
After a wonderful tour of San Antonio and surrounds Emily whisked me off to Austin where I spent the day with the uber talented and passionate Jessica Brogan. By this time I was feeling decidedly under the weather with allergies and a bad cough but I sooooo appreciate hanging out with Jess and discussing a myriad of possibilities..this girl is going far and in beautiful directions and regardless of my not feeling 100% I totally enjoyed Austin! A very funky and cool city indeed!
Later this week I will share pics from my adventures in Austin and beyond..for now I am lazing back in my hotel room with Sienna after two very fun days exploring Universal studios...
be back very soon to fill you in on the rest of the fun but for now..its time for zzzzzzzzzz
lots of love Tracy xoxoxo
hope your had a blessed thanksgiving .