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Day 4~ nine days of giveaways! 2015 through the lens of nourishment

Hello beautiful ones!!
I hope you are all enjoying the festive season in whatever way is perfect for you!

I meant to pop back in here on Boxing day for Day four of my end of year giveaway but I've been having a little too much holiday fun with family and knew you would understand.

I also knew this post was going to be all about food so I needed to wait a few days for Christmas dinner to settle, and I'm sure you know how that goes...

So todays post is a little reflection on our culinary voyage this year. I still don't have all of my photos sorted so forgive me if it seems a little biased on the Mexican side of things but truth is that all of us, the whole family would choose Mexican over any other cuisine and although Europe dished us up some exquisite yumminess, those chile rellenos and fish tacos you see below are the stuff of my foodie dreams.
So here we sure to leave a comment on all nine of my 2015 reflection posts and let me know if you share on FB, Instagram, Twitter etc for more chances to win! 

Todays prize is a cute little original ellie mixed media piece, all the way down at the bottom so you've got to look at all of these tempting food pics first! ;p

First stop upon arrival in California, Juanitas in Encinitas for chile rellenos and fish tacos! Even jetlagged this is food for the Gods!

 we feasted our way across countries and continents. Sometimes a feast for the this perfect radish display in Revel, France....

 mostly all of our senses were delighted like with this breakfast feast in Oaxaca at Viajero cafe Arte!

we indulged in hearty liquid feasts with friends

 ceviche in Baja!

 my very own vegie chorizo spaghetti concoction in La Ventana, Mexico...

 we feasted in restaurants with confusing bathroom signs

 and menus on wine bottles

 i whipped up guacamole and salsa on more than one occasion 

 and we celebrated special events, like swimming with the whale sharks, with margaritas and tacos. Can you just see we were in such bliss after THAT experience!

 we feasted with lovely students in France

 Portugal  Ireland and many other amazing places :)

 We picnicked in high places...

 and when i was feeling at my lowest found nourishment in  simple bowls of miso soup...

 I feasted my eyes on the bakeries of France and, ok, a little bit of it fell into my mouth too!

 we enjoyed the warm hospitality of dear friends in Sweden, ah those Northern Summer sunsets nourished our spirits!

and they made sure that they served us (almost) every fishy delicacy they knew of...

 Master chef Lucas even whipped us up some amazing souffles one night!

 we stumbled upon the medieval city of Lubeck, Germany where we stayed with friends who told us we just HAD to try the famous marzipan. What could we say in the face of such recommendation? We sampled and then lugged this whole box across the world untouched to share with family when we returned to Australia!

 I sampled chapulines in Oaxaca, crunchy fried grasshoppers but have to admit I enjoyed the German delicacy much more than this Oaxacan one!

 we discovered a favorite breakfast spot in Oaxaca where we dined like kings and queens for $6 total each day

 one day the chef even sent out a sample of all seven famous Oaxacan mole sauces for our tasting pleasure! Truly I cannot wait to bring a Paint Mojo retreat to Oaxaca in 2017! Our lovely friend Lisa Sonora Beam is helping me organise that one :)

 we dined with beautiful friends under the Mexican stars

 and sampled copious amounts of Pintxos in San Sebastian, Spain when the whole family came to celebrate my fiftieth!

but the food highlight of the whole trip was undoubtedly and unexpectedly in Devon, UK

 where we hooked up with friends that we hadn't seen for years, Noel and Nora Corston

 and they treated us to the experience that is Noels highly rated restaurant NC@Ex34

The restaurant is a multi award winning venue on the North Devon Coast which offers a fixed menu built around the seasons and revelling in locally produced ingredients

 From the minute you walk in the door you feel that something special is about to happen

 and oh my, was it special, indeed!
 the paired wines were also extraordinary and luckily we had the lovely Nora to drive us home!

 I'm not a sweets person usually but this was decadent scrumptiousness!

 and it kind of got my tastebuds thinking, well you know, while we're in Devon we should at least try a devonshire tea...

and then, well, just to promote a little viewer interaction here, I'll leave you with this pic. I cant remember where it was taken or what it actually was but I know it was delicious. Any ideas???

 Here's my prize for today! leave a comment below to be in the draw. 
Gotta jump off now as various family members are over my shoulder clamoring for dinner and laksa is on the menu! Is your mouth watering yet? 

Good luck everyone and I'll check back in with Day five tomorrow or next day. 
Lots of love to you all!
Tracy xoxox


Myrto said…
I love the way you look at things! These photos are a bondle of inspiration all by themselves!. And your happy faces at the top of it! All this makes the wold a better place! Thank you!
Unknown said…
Looking at your Foodie Photo's, you make me hungry, although we have just gone back to clean eating. The second last picture I would say are either Onion rings or Calamari. It was wonderful to follow your trip, Tracy and Marco, and it is still wonderful seeing these Photo's. A dream come true, I would say. To all the dreamers, keep reaching for the stars in your own way. I still do!
AlaskaRuth said…
I truly enjoyed your travel and foodie pictures and the stories! Thank you for sharing this and your extraordinary talents!
After The holydays I am not tempted at all by all these festive meals I am happy to say ☺. They look beautiful and here is a book in the making again. You can fill your days looking back..waiting and painting about your travel throughout the whole of 2016...
Wish you the best! Love from Oijen in the Netherlands,Anne Marie Potmeer xxx
Unknown said…
I think I would have to vote for ceviche in Baja, but it all looks absolutely amazing! You must have met so many wonderful people. And so nice that your whole family could be together for your 50th! I would say that the mystery item looks like onion rings at first glance. By the way, Santa came through with your book for Christmas and I am loving it!
koreakiwi said…
It's wonderful to see these pics and delish food. The painting you are giving away is beautiful :)
Maggie9217 said…
Loved seeing all these photos. What a lovely reminder of your travels
Anonymous said…
Delicious foodie story with amazing tastes, smells and happy faces :)
catherine rains said…
Oh my goodness Tracy, these foodie pics are over the top. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the description and pics so much that I want to go to EVERY place you visited and eat/drink at each place as well. You are inspiring my own picture taking. Feel like we are friends, and we've never met!

Unknown said…
Thanks Tracey for another trip around the world with you. It is the trip that keeps on giving because it makes me want to extend my cooking like my art. Cheers
Unknown said…
Thanks Tracey for another trip around the world with you. It is the trip that keeps on giving because it makes me want to extend my cooking like my art. Cheers
Loz said…
Tracy so enjoyed the foodie trip and here I am eating tomatoes on toast....your photos are stimulating the taste buds....mmmmmmm!
Unknown said…
What strikes me the most is how absolutely wonderful it must have been to meet/spend time with so many different people. I'm enjoying the recap. Thank you for doing it!
Unknown said…
Wow what a fantastic journey of food a feast for the eyes i look forward to your posts all the time. :) made me hungry now.
Unknown said…
What a feast of food and love! It's 5:25 AM and here I am looking at your food pics thinking I may have to go make tea and biscuits. Once again, thanks for sharing all your wonderful pics, the next best thing to traveling the world myself. :) Bev Sparks
Michelle said…
I feel like a Devonshire tea now. Yum. Looks like so much fun Tracey. I've loved following your travels all year and stories were fantastic. Amazing. Michelle Mann .
Oh my...I wonder how you stay this slim after eating all these gorgious spices;-). It's such fun reading your blog and travelling along with you a bit. I am still thankfull of having had the opportunity to meet you in the Netherlands en join your Paint Mojo class there. You're doing so well to share all this with us...thank you Tracy! Love, Jacqualine
Unknown said…
The variety of food you described was lucious looking and probably tasted just as good, if not better. You are enjoying life while showing us how to better create and enjoy ours. Happy new year!
hennies.pennies said…
Wow... what more can I say!!

Kathy H
Unknown said…
Fabulous food, in amazing places with wonderful people - such memorable travels & experiences. Thank you for letting me enjoy them as well through your photos & stories 💋xx
Bronwyn said…
What fabulous photos of some amazing feasts! How did you manage to stay so slim after all that wonderful yummy food? What a fantastic art & culinary experience combined.
Robyn Wood said…
Goodness your post makes me hungry and it is 9.30pm! We loved the radish displays in France as well, they were so colourful. Your travels look even more amazing grouped together like this - thanks for continuing to share them with us.
Anonymous said…
I love all the colors! And now I'm hungry lol!
Sanna F said…
What a faboulus food adventure! Exciting a bit scary and delicious! I got really hungry looking at all this food!
Ally said…
It looks like you had an amazing time with amazing friends and food =) Your post made me hungry even though I'm super sick right now, which is saying something! LOL =) I've been trying to save up for one of your retreats for a while, Oaxaca sounds like it will be fabulous!!!
Sandy said…
Why did I read this post before breakfast? You were very brave in trying different food items. No grasshoppers for me!
Sandy said…
Why did I read this post before breakfast? You were very brave in trying different food items. No grasshoppers for me!
Many posts of fresh fare in Mexico, yum! In my younger days, I drove from my home in Cali to the tip of Baja and made my favourite food memory in Todos Santos (just south of La Paz), ceviche from a fresh caught Dorado fish and local produce from the fruiteria, then eating a mango picked from the tree. Wish we could grow fruits and veggies like that here! I'm sure it's much more developed down there now, but was very simple then. This brought back lively memories, thank you for sharing your gorgeous pictures:)
Hard to tell what's beneath the onion rings and greens...
Margaret said…
Just woke up here in Sayville and was delighted to see your blog and gorgeous photos of your experiences around the world. I am delighted to follow your adventures and actually so happy that I got to meet you and Marco and paint with you on Long Island. I hope we see you again, Tracy. xoxox Happy New Year!
Line said…
Hi Tracy

Love you Food trip, it has been nice to follow you around the world. Maybe this little elephant passed you on you way. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Linda R said…
So many wonderful things to chomp on ahhhh, but could never have tried the grasshopper LOL. What an experience - simply amazing.
Snap said…
I should not have read this before breakfast!!! I'm sure I'll eat too much. What wonderful adventures!
Kim Mailhot said…
What amazing delights! Such color and artistry in food of love, isn't there?
Thanks for the chance to have a Tracy ellie !!! Big love to you!
Unknown said…
Once again an exciting foodie adventure!! My tummy is full! Thanks
Cindy Benko said…
Oh what beautiful memories of culinary delights! My mouth is watering!
Johanne Goyette said…
Eating the local food is always a pleasure when travalling. What a nice culinar trip...thanks for sharing

I would be so happy to win this cute elephant animalitos.....

Unknown said…
Wow! Around the world, meal by that is the way I love to travel. It all looks Devine.x
Mary Hurlburt said…
Thank you for sharing your culinary adventure. It was a delight to enjoy visually. To quote my granddaughter, "Grammy is there anything you don't like?"
Diva Kreszl said…
Thank you for sharing your culinary delights with us, food can nourish our bodies and delight our senses! They are a true artistic medium!!!
Unknown said…
Yummy . . . all that authentic Mexican food has to be my favorite. What adventures you've had!
cgo said…
Good food nourishes on every level, doesn't it. Chile rellenos is a weakness. If a chef can make a good chile relleno, I bow in reverence.
Unknown said…
Your pics of food were so enticing I shared them with my hubby. He's a huge foodie and was thrilled to see how wonderful and beautiful the food is where you are! Thanks for sharing Boxing Day with us! Put me in the running for a prize!
Unknown said…
Chorizo spaghetti - I need that recipe!
I think your last picture is fried onion rings atop a lovely piece of chicken. But alas, I have no idea what it would be called.
Such a gorgeous foodie post, which I thoroughly enjoyed!
Unknown said…
Chorizo spaghetti - I need that recipe!
I think your last picture is fried onion rings atop a lovely piece of chicken. But alas, I have no idea what it would be called.
Such a gorgeous foodie post, which I thoroughly enjoyed!
Mimzy said…
Ellie is always up to something cute!
Unknown said…
OMG, what a wonderful trip and experience you had! Thanks for sharing, you have made memories that will last a lifetime.
Unknown said…
All I can say is Oaxaca 2017 can't wait......

I guess something with onion rings or could be deep fried calamari on top (the unknown dish) that is....
Anonymous said…
Wow, what an amazing food journey! Grateful to have the opportunity to share it with you. Peace, Ronda
Jean said…
Such a fun idea to document the good. We are taking s family trip next spring. I will have to remember to do this. Happy new year!
Terry said…
It looks like you had a wonderful time on your trip and it made my mouth water to see all the luscious food that you were served!!
Unknown said…
Such a great time to remember! Happy new year dear Tracy!
Jan Davis said…
What a fun way to enjoy your travels...through good food and cheer and company! Thanks for sharing.
bettywisse said…
Looks like a great time was had by all! I just love your cute little elephants
Unknown said…
I love your post. You find joy in everything which is what I am striving to do. Keep sharing your beautiful heart with us!
Sojna said…
It is Tuesday here is Indiana, day 4, and it has turned off cold. I think winter really is going to arrive. But my inbox is warm with a blog entry from you filled with all kinds of wonderful foods and radishes that look like flowers. Food is love as is wine and all the friendships and chats that go along with the meal. You had a wonderful time on your world teaching trek this past year and all of us who got to share in that were equally blessed. Thank you for all the color, pattern, love, and joy you share with your students.
Hugs, Sojna
Unknown said…
Boy, love them radishes!
Prerna Poojara said…
Oh what a treat it is. Yummy. Soul filling. Cheerful. So glad you take so many pics and share with us. It feels like travelling the world with you.
Unknown said…
Being Mexican myself I truly understand the leaning toward Mexican food hahaha you have far more restraint than I would have in France the last picture has handmade onion rings on top of what looks like fish quite delicious Ellie is smiling because she thinks she's going to live with Mrs Kennedy
Unknown said…
Being Mexican myself I truly understand the leaning toward Mexican food hahaha you have far more restraint than I would have in France the last picture has handmade onion rings on top of what looks like fish quite delicious Ellie is smiling because she thinks she's going to live with Mrs Kennedy said…
I've always wanted to visit Oaxaca. Hope you include 8 or 10 food breaks in the 2017 workshop each day.
Unknown said…
Ok, now I'm hungry. I'm enjoying your 2015 journey.
Painting Pixies said…
you live such a beautiful, authentic life! I read your comments about how you envied the life of Flora Bowley and all I remember thinking was that I not only felt the same way but also envied the life you lead. My dream is to someday be able to travel and teach as well.
Unknown said…
Love waking up to your wonderful magical pics! I feel like I am on the journey with you! HUGS!
DonnaD said…
Such a beautiful post. The colors, the food, such deliciousness!
Unknown said…
So much delicious food the world over. As much as I like French pastries, my mouth was watering the most over the Oaxaca food, especially the mole tasting. Thanks for another chance to win a piece of your art!
Unknown said…
Wow amazing trip, great pics love them all.
Could I be so lucky... Thank you
Jo Murray said…
THANK YOU. I think of myself as a 'foodie' and am transported by your culinary journey. What glorious feasts you had.
Mo Mapes said…
WOW- what a trip you had! Beautiful photos. And you got to swim with WHALE SHARKS??!! I would have been in heaven. Thanks for all the photos- I can travel vicariously thru you...... Mo
Life moments said…
Oh my dear! How I would love ❤ to travel as you did! So many places, so many beautiful people! I love this variety! It's great to see so many photos with explanations from where you've been!

I would like to win 🏆 some animalitos , they are so gorgeous and colorful! 💜
Lynette (NZ) said…
Nourish has been my word for 2015 - seeing your art nourishes my creativity :-)
Victoria said…
Loved taking this gastro journey with you!
Unknown said…
Well yes, definitely know how you feel when you mention the overdose of food!! I have to say that your last food picture looks the most scrumptious of all, do I spot calamaris in there? And of course the last picture of the post is wonderful too, in a different way (was at the zoo today and recognise your four-legged friend 😉)
Unknown said…
Well yes, definitely know how you feel when you mention the overdose of food!! I have to say that your last food picture looks the most scrumptious of all, do I spot calamaris in there? And of course the last picture of the post is wonderful too, in a different way (was at the zoo today and recognise your four-legged friend 😉)
tracey williams said…
Food looks fab and I love the little Ellie x
Unknown said…
What an amazing journey you had, and I'm so grateful you are sharing it!
Unknown said…
Sweet Tracy, I wrote a message this afternoon but it seems to be lost in space so I'll rewrite it ��
It's so funny because this morning I made myself a promise about my future health. I was reading a book about nutritions and healthy food and all about the old knowledge; there are no short cuts or quick fixes to health but a healthy life style. Haha...easy peasy? Anuhow, I promise to myself included not only good food but, yoga, painting and exercise. So, when going on Fb I meet your page and link to your blog and what do I see? Lots of FOOD! Picture after picture showing your and your friends, smiling faces and tasty, colourful, healthy food! I love it!
Hugs from Kim in Sweden!
Unknown said…
Love looking at the photos! It's like I was there!! Thanks for sharing your adventures!
artbyildy said…
Hi Tracy,
Thanks for sharing your food photos, I have the same feeling when I saw your rainbow travelling photod, it is all about you as you see the World in colour. Thank you lovely shining!
Have a wonderful holiday
love and hug
Becky said…
The food looks amazing. What an adventure.
Wow wow wow!! My mouth is totally watering!!!! Yum yum yum!!!!!!
Thanks for all you do .. And continued heartful musings to you EVERY day!! Xoxoxox love you!!
Cecilia Stevenson said…
Loving the colors, vibrant alive food from nature!just enjoying your colorful adventures and getting inspired! Thanks for your loving offerings....
Christine said…
Mmmmm. Encinitas isn't all that far away from Santa Ana -- might just have to go check out that fish taco and chili rellano plate! Thanks for all the beautiful pics -- now I'm starving! Blessed be.
Oh My Goodness, i feel like i've travelled the world with you and that every step has been so Joyful. Its in the faces, places and subjects you choose to photograph I'm sure there will be more stories to be recounted in the years to come.The images are so rich in story and inspiration may you and your family have many more adventures like this. My favorite shot was THE PICNIC IN HIGH PLACES Thank you so much for sharing. Beverley
Yoli Manzo said…
Oooh, what a feast for the eyes. I have been to Oaxaca multiple times, and I have yet to try the grasshoppers. I will take your word for it. :-)
natski said…
What an amazing year ans so many different tastes to delight in :) The bundles of radishes just look so beautiful. thanks so much for sharing I feel full now :)
Amy M said…
OMG, the food looks so yummy, can you fit me in your suitcase? Thanks for sharing your travel adventures
Mollie said…
Wow!what food!!!! Love the painting. More paintings too please!!!!!!!
Mollie said…
Wow!what food!!!! Love the painting. More paintings too please!!!!!!!
Unknown said…
Cheers to a Happy Creative Nee Year!��
Love the food and your art!
Paulette Sheffield said…
Wonderful pictures! I hope your 2016 is full and exciting as your 2105! Happy New Year Tracy!
Debra Fillingim said…
Love to take part in your adventures through all the pictures. And of course I liove this Ellie!
Anonymous said…
Delicious and delightful sharing :)
Melanie said…
Lovely photos!
Birgit Kerr said…
Oh yum, so much deliciousness all in one place !! And I just love all your comments and descriptions to go with them!
My favorite two F-words = food and family. I see you and I have that in common ;)
michelle said…
What an awesome adventure ! My mouth is literally drooling at this post ! Oh how i miss the Devonshire tea, scones with jam and thick Devon cream yum ! Can't find that cream here in Canada. That last picture looks like mash with sausage gravy and onion rings. Thanks for sharing such wonderful posts !
Unknown said…
Luv your colors & this beautiful elephant painting.
Unknown said…
Luv your colors & this beautiful elephant painting.
Diane Wayne said…
Food and family! Love both, didn't do much food over the Christmas break, all teeth out and new ones in and as for family well, two out of three are missing. One is all the way over in canada and the other is with my granbabies in Alice Spings. I will just spoil the one I have here xo
Diane Wayne said…
Oh, P.S. I remember when you posted the crunchy grasshoppers!
Unknown said… been following your whole adventure all fun and a wonderful experience.
Anna said…
Hi Tracy. I'm giving it another go to see if I can actually post this time successfully. I won't go on and on as I'm not sure this will post. Let me know if it does. Thanks. Anna Karena
Unknown said…
Hi Tracy, what an adventure. I agree Juanitas is the best. We go there every time we visit S Cal. Going to share this on FB
Bunnysan said…
Beautiful! I would love to learn how to paint.
sannalippert said…
All that gorgeous food makes my mouth water!! Loved seeing those food photos. I think the last one is octopuss rings? Love the art piece. Thanks for the chance!! Happy new year!!
Jan Ketza said…
I have had a beautiful dream for some 20 years to ride an elephant on a beach in Bali and to take me to a place to paint in plein air. A flower behind my ear, my back pack full of paint and canvases, and this elephant delivers me to a look out point, turns and blows his trunk pointing his trunks and what I am to paint there and now
I breathe in look at this elephant and let go into my art zone.
artbyildy said…
Dear Tracy,
Wish you and your familya Happy Creative Healthy Exciting New Year full of rainbow and please shine and colour our World as you did this year.
Big hug and lots of love from Budapest
Ildy, Ati and the kids
I haven't had much authentic Mexican food. Would love to one day. Thanks for taking us along for the ride. What an experience.
SewPaperPaint said…
My mouth is definitely watering, and my eyes are popping at this gorgeous painting!!! LOVE! Glad you are enjoying your break. Thanks so much for these giveaways. <3
Anonymous said…
wow, can't stop staring at all the beautiful photos, the warm weather and cold drinks are making me super jealous!!!! sitting in snowy weather freezing my bumm off:)
Susan Burgess said…
You made my mouth water! Yum! The last one almost looks Polynesian! I would be honored to have as my own! After seeing the food all beautiful and tantalizing all I see inside of the elephant are culinary delights!
Foooooooooooooood! I want fooood now! Hugs, and Happy New Year you wild thang! Sanna(Susan Burgess)
Teresa said…
Happy New Year, everyone from California ~ Just saw Tracy's post on IG thought I'd dive into the mix. I had No idea you were on blogspot. I started my first blog in 2005 on blogger before I became an entrepreneur. It was my first real glimpse of so many amazing creatives sharing their art online. Good memories.

I started painting again recently and noticed a shift...I wasn't thinking about technique which often happens when we fear being daring, drawing outside the lines and using colors that technically don't make sense. I experienced a shift internally and for the first time felt really connected to my work. Thank you for bringing your beautiful art into the world and inspiring me to let go and Trust.

Joy and Best in 2016!
Petra Hrziwnatzki said…
Thank you for sharing your adventures and yummy food pics!! Truly wonderful to watch your story unfold :)
Unknown said…
Gorgeous mouth watering food pics. Thanks for taking us along for your incredible journey.
Jaclyne L. said…
Elephants are my favorite animals! i love this painting.
Karen said…
The food...oh my gosh..the foooooood!!!!! Yum!
Wendy Webster said…
Tracy, thank you for sharing your travel adventures and art with us, you're so very inspiring. Looking forward to meeting you this May in St. Pete! Wendy Fierro
Penny said…
Love Ellie, but your food photos just made me feel hungry. Not the best way to feel after all the eating in the last week or so.
Robin Black said…
Love your work, Tracy! Your classes are on my bucket list!
Renee said…
I love your ellies though I have to say I am loving your little owls too! Thanks for sharing!
Ally said…
Love all the paintings you got to do on the road. Big and small, I adore them all <3 I can't wait to meet you someday and feel the inspiration in person!
catherine rains said…
LOVE LOVE LOVE the way you paint, with open hearted abandon. Thanks for offering this fun way to win one of your paintings. Hope I win. Want your inspiration in my home to look at EVERYDAY!
K said…
I have enjoyed living vicariously through you this year! Although after reading this post, I've realized that I'm not very adventurous with my eating....
Unknown said…
Dear Tracey
Your delight in everything you do makes me happy. I am not able to travel or even paint as you do but I can certainly enjoy myself through your tales and paintings. Thank you. Ann xxx
amie said…
Wonderful pictures, great food, and an elephant painting giveaway!! Pretty perfect!
Unknown said…
I'm thrilld by all th lucious food you guys got to sample on your trip and was so glad your amor was there too when you were ill so far from home. Love the painting with the mountains...& Ellie! hahha
Lady Gina said…
Wow! Looking at your paintings is like looking at magic. I am drawn into them in such a way that makes me feel mesmerized and like I just want to see more and more. Thank you for all of your sharing of your art and your travels. It is wonderful to see you go!
DDCreates said…
Thank you for sharing your wonderful creative journey with us!
Hi Tracy,
Thanks for blowing my mind (and thousands of others) and expanding the possibilities for my art and teaching! I've been commenting every day but sending them to Reply by mistake....anyway, keep up your incredible inspiring work!!!! xox Barbara
Robbie said…
Think I found the right spot to inter your give away. Hoping I can win anything of yours.
romsmi said…
What better way to share ones life stories than over a meal with friends and it looked like there were some great meals on your holiday and fun times. I love seeing how your work has evolved over the years and love the new direction and colours on this journey of yours...I am always excited to see what you post next :) xo
Unknown said…
Lisa said…
Yum yum, everything looks delicious.
Becky said…
Can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for you!
JackieW said…
Hi! Tracy.....your photos of food and the places you visited are delicious! You will have these awesome memories forever! Thanks for sharing them with us (your Tribe). HUg! Jackie Wimberly
KTMicek said…
Yum!! Looked delicious.
Alex said…
Food is my FAVORITE way to experience cultures, I'm so jealous of everywhere you were able to go! Here to many more bites in 2016!
Unknown said…
This elephant is just amazing! 2016 is looking to be an artful year!
Unknown said…
This elephant is just amazing! 2016 is looking to be an artful year!
Cecilia Stevenson said…
Color are so vibrant and luscious that feed my soul and my senses.
Thanks for sharing your colorful culinary adventures with us.
bettywisse said…
Your elephant paintings are the best!
Pati said…
Your delight in traveling is an inspiration!
linda said…
HaPpy and Healthy and Joyful and Loving and Fun and Creative and Drama*Free *2016* to You,
Your Family and Friends and Peace to the world!
Letta said…
Love your work!! Keep the mojo flowing! I'm looking forward to a wonderful 2016! Blessings and best wishes to you and yours!!
MrsNAMB said…
Tracy, your work is inspiring. I see confidence, joy and happiness, without restrictions or limits - I see freedom.
This newbie hopes to find just a little of these qualities this year when I plan to pick up a brush for the first time.
Happy New Year and may 2016 be a year of much fulfilment for us both. Nx
Unknown said…
Little Ellie is so beautiful. I would love if she came to me in Sweden.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
rosalind edwards said…
Tracy you are so inspirational ... i love your life the opportunity you have to travel and teach something that you are passionate about , to love a man the way you do , to inspire your daughters in their own journeys , the way you see beauty in the smallest of things and the food omgosh the food !!!! i have again enrolled in an online class of yours ..i noticed you are coming to toowoomba next moth again, if i had a bit more money i would have loved to join you as i was ill last time but unfortunately my Saturdays now are dialysis days but i would have been happy to skip it just to have fun ...may you be blessed Tracy as you bless so many others in their personal and creative journeys
Unknown said…
Fabulous works Tracy, well done.
Horsefeathers! said…
Yum! Art is life, life is art! Tracy has inspired my word for 2016, intuitively- I want to open up and paint more intuitively and get my Paint Mojo, Happy New Year 2016 to all!
Unknown said…
Tracy, you and Marco seem to have had such a gastronomic feast during your travels. They say we eat with our eyes so I guess it comes as no surprise that your images show such colourful and imaginative food! For me, seeing beautifully presented , colourful food on a plate can be as uplifting as looking at a favourite painting.
Denise Girardin said…
Ok, so now I'm STARVING and it's only 8:50 here in New England! I want lunch, dinner and drinks and want them now! LOVED seeing the photos of food and fun! Hope to see you in 2016!
Patty said…
Oh my gosh he's so cute! It would be an inspiration to hang him in my home!
Michelle Hawkins said…
Love the foodie pics and love Ellie!!!
Josey said…
Wow! That was fun! Food as inspiring as the art. Thank you for sharing your travel pics. I am in the process of a large painting after taking your paint mojo online course, which I loved by the way. I would be so thrilled to own a piece of art of yours. Crossing my fingers.
Glory said…
What a wonderful adventure you had this past year - full of color and love of life. I love your little elephant and would be thrilled to have him on my wall, adding such vibrant colors to my own little studio.
Unknown said…
I get so hungry just viewing all your posts!!!
Cathy said…
Great photos. Now I am hungry. LOL!!
NancyU said…
You are so lucky to have traveled and taught in so many wonderful places. I'm content to just work in my own space.
Bluejay 65 said…
Always grateful for the art you share with us in your emails! Thank-you very are an inspiration to so many of us... <3 Julia
Melissa Kennedy said…
I'm probably too far away to win anything, but wow, the elephant as a prize for today and it was my favourite. your work totally inspires me and love reading about your travels
Diane Humphrys said…
I can just see Ellie on my wall! Love her!
Ellie! Love Ellie! Thank you for sharing your lovelies with us!
Happy 4th of January!
artbyildy said…
Dear Tracy,

I am heatedly waiting for your posts. Love them very much.
Your paintings fill my soul and happy to see the new side of you what I haven't see before the 'monotone ink sketches" they are great too.

♥ ♥ ♥
Jorin said…
Oh yes, my mouth is watering, but only because of the sweets ;-).
Unknown said…
You are not only a wonderful painter but also a talented photographer, what a beautiful way to see the world.
coco.nut said…
you should visit Poland, Polish cuisine is one of the tastiest in the world! even if rather fat and heavy to digest ;) but I understand your liking of Mexican food (I personaly love guacamole!)
Susan said…
Seeing your beautiful pictures and paintings brings back really fond memories of our class in Palm Desert. Would love to do it again! XOXO
Robbie said…
Would love to win anything.
Colorful Heart said…
Wow! I love taking photos of fruits and veggies in a market...but that radish display is amazing! I've never seen anything like that before!
Barbara said…
A trip for all the senses!
Unknown said…
Thank you for sharing your art
Angie Bumgarner said…
The color in your paintings just makes me happy. :D
Sue Young said…
Great post!!! Now I'm both hungry and happy!
Unknown said…
eating and drinking your way through this adventure sounds like something I'd like to try!!!
Mimzy said…
Food, food, food!
robin west said…
chapulines are definitely an aquired taste, good for you!!!
M Adaya LeMae said…
French pastries and fried grasshoppers! I had to I am sharing, by the way! :)
Whippoorwill said…
Yummy radishes and guacamole! Beautiful, vibrant colours and it looks delicious. I've said it before and will say it again...I LOVE YOUR ELEPHANTS. Full of light and colour and depth and whimsy!
SewHappy.Me said…
You see colour in everything you experience, even in food! Where I would be busy eating it you would be marvelling at it's colour. Note to self ....... I must open my eyes more and my mouth less!
Unknown said…
What a joy to travel and see the arts in so many places. Oh, and the food in so many places. Thanks for sharing.
Saturday is my favorite day of the week. It's my day of relaxation - I'll use your art as an inspiration when I dive into my art space. Thank you.
Unknown said…
Ah glorious food! Taking me back to that wonderful patio seating and wonderful friends in France.
Unknown said…
Tracy, Thank you so much for the Paint Mojo class! YOU changed my life. 🎨
Kelcie Bryant-Duguid said…
I have never thought of raddishes as beautiful until now. They look like little posies of flowers, so lovely! Thank you for sharing x
De Williams said…
Good food, good friends.
Ciara said…
Yummy Yummy Yum, Even your food photos are creatively inspiring
HeARTworks said…
Oh your pictures are a feast for the eyes!!!! Love it! Esp that ceviche, yummmm! patsy
Unknown said…
My mouth is watering! Love all the glorious colors and textures...and those radishes! Love.
Mama T said…
Love, Love, other words than that!!!
KarenS said…
I'm not a very adventurous eater, but the pictures of the food you were able to sample look good.
Deitra Hart said…
Oh,your "food porn" pics are awesome! I'm guilty of taking pictures of food during our travels - it just adds to the experience! My family and I will sometimes just jump in the car and drive off to go to a fantastic restaurant (and a little adventure). ;)
Did you come home cooking different things?? I actually love looking at my friends' food photos. Why not show off happy food experiences and beautiful plates and smiles? I guess the last photo is onion rings on top of another fried vege with some amazing sauce...... NOM!

Knowing you have some health issues and must have foods that you can't eat, I think you are so brave to travel the way you just did. Amazing.
Adriana said…
Tracy, you are one brave Soul!
Love your lust for life! xox

Adriana Carusi-DiLiberto
Unknown said…
Mouth-watering photos!! I'm having a terrible craving for ceviche! The food is always one of my favorite parts of travel, along with the camaraderie that accompanies it!
Unknown said…
The food in this blog post has me drooling. What a wonderful experience.
Lisa said…
*sigh* To eat like that, to drink like that, to be with friends for all of that...that is a life well-lived. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
cjaxon said…
Such an adventure! Even of the palate.
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