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Day three-nine days of giveaways to celebrate 2015! Through the lens of wonder...

In Florida we visited an enchanted butterfly forest

 It's Christmas Eve here in Australia, a wet and kind of cool Summers Day which feels nice and Christmasey. 

Tonight our family will gather to eat and be merry and be grateful that we have each other.

Today I reflect upon this amazing year 
through the lens of wonder, 
through the eyes of a child, 
as a believer in magic....

thank you for being a part of my magical journey. 

Remember to leave a comment on each of my nine 2015 reflection posts for a chance to win each day.

 fresh from the chrysalis...beautiful transformations often happen out of struggle

 in Mexico I wrapped myself in the verdant embrace of a 2000 year old tree, the widest in the world

 in Palm Desert, Ca I stood in the light which danced through this magical oasis

 In Ireland I found myself a tree to hug feeling elated after overcoming my fears and kissing the Blarney Stone!

and in Florida we spied some fantastical Chihuly flamingos dancing in the jungle 

High above the California desert I acted all calm and collected for this photo on Potato chip rock while inside my heart fluttered and outside my legs trembled

while in England I cocooned myself in an ancient stone henge at Avebury

 I sat in a rocking chair and breathed in the peaceful Ohio River in Newburgh Indiana

 and I sat with mi amor on sacred ground at the pilgrimage site of St Dwynwen in Wales

 I celebrated the sunrise in la Ventana, Mexico for 21 glorious days at the end of our trip

 Centering myself and giving thanks for the wonder of each new day

 I stood in places where men made miracles happen

 and in places where Nature spoke hers....

 I looked through ancient windows and wondered about all of the eyes who had done the same at Tintagel in Cornwall

 and in La Paz I stared into the eyes of a 38 foot Whale shark as she twirled in rapture, feeding at the surface for almost an hour.

In England in the New Forest we felt transported to another time as the wild horses came to nuzzle a while
 and then go on their way...

 At Avebury we walked the entire henge for more than an hour, slipping off our shoes

 relishing the softest grass I'd ever felt and connecting with the ancient Earth beneath our feet.

 At Tintagel we felt the awe of another time in Merlins cave

 and in Barcelona Gaudis incredible vision took our breath away at la Sagrada Familia...

Soooooooooo grateful for this miraculous year and all of the wonder that mi amor and I experienced. 

Wishing you all a wonder-filled holiday season. 
I'll be back on boxing day with Day 4; 2015 through the lens of nourishment...

lots and lots of love 
Tracy <3 p="">

Don't forget to leave a comment below. 
Todays giveaway is for two lucky winners and each will receive a pendant with my favorite elephant painting. 
Good luck!!


Unknown said…
Really enjoyed "takin part in your journey t
Birgit Kerr said…
Merry Christmas to you too! All the photos are wonderful, but that potato chip rock one ... so awesome ... there would have been some trembling going on for me too! <3
Unknown said…
Love that quote by Dahl...I am in awe of your journey! Have a wonderful Christmas. :)
Unknown said…
Love that quote by Dahl...I am in awe of your journey! Have a wonderful Christmas. :)
Unknown said…
Ok I totally have to jump in here because these photos are so amazing!!!! You see the world like I do and I would have taken every single one of the shots you took along your way - so it was pretty special to be able to go with you on your travels;-) THANK YOU for that journey as well! xoxoxo
Karlene1024 said…
Love la sagrada familia. So glad you had the opportunity to see it.
Painting Pixies said…
thank you so much for offering these giveaways, your work is so inspiring
Robbie said…
Would love to win anything of Tracy 's.
Love the photography and would love to win anything of Tracy's
Kim Mailhot said…
Such beautiful images!!! That whale shark!?!? Awesome! So cool.
Love to you, Amazing One!
Diva Kreszl said…
I just love getting to enjoy your travels through your beautiful posts!!!
Anonymous said…
I have to say my favorite post so far is this one and the whale sharks, omg! how lucky are you?!
Unknown said…
Tracy, I am so loving all your photos and stories. Thank you so much for sharing them. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Bev Sparks :)
Robyn Wood said…
Merry Christmas to you and your family Tracy! It has been wonderful to zoom around the world with you as you revisit these special places. Thank you for sharing them with us throughout the year. xx
DDCreates said…
What glorious pictures!! You talked about the wonders around each of us. I marvel in the love of family and the time we are spending together during this holiday season. Life is different now in my family but even though there is change I see my boys as a reflection of all that is good in life. Thank you for sharing your experiences of beauty with me.
Cindy Benko said…
What a beautiful journey :)
Linda R said…
I can't imagine living through the wonder of all this - amazing and to be with the one you love, oh my!
I love your photos the window to the sea my favorite. My niece would love that elephant necklace.
Nature paved a path for a beautiful journey.
Robin Black said…
Love seeing your photos and reading your posts!
Unknown said…
An enchanted butterfly forest gossamer wings everywhere fluttering about you what a surreal existence, such beauty
Unknown said…
An enchanted butterfly forest gossamer wings everywhere fluttering about you what a surreal existence, such beauty
Unknown said…
You are so fortunate to being your dream.
Unknown said…
Correction to previous comment:
You are so fortunate to be living you dream! :)
Unknown said…
You started this magical journey for me in February, almost o e year ago. For that I am eternally grateful to you. 😘
Prerna Poojara said…
You had fun. And those pics are so beautiful. The butterfly oh my. I love the way you have captured and categorized your tour pics. Love to see them all interconnected. Beautiful.
Sandy said…
I like how you seemed to find a time to embrace the place. Big hugs
Lori said…
Hi Tracy - i love the fotos and whoever took them has great talent! Beautiful! The one where you are sitting on the very long and THIN ledge shows me that you are very brave! I would have needed a diaper and some calming drugs to do that!
I really appreciate that you have both feet on the ground and are living life as a free spirit. You are an inspiration
artbyildy said…
Dear Tracy,
zjaml you fpr letting me go the expectations! Thank you that I am not concentrate to the result instead of the joy and freedom anymore.
Since your e-course I love create I am free of pressure and I don't care about the outcome just enjoy the process.
Thank you Thank you

love to learn more from you
hug ♥ ♥ ♥
Unknown said…
Amazing journey and following your posts was fun! I never left my home state this year, but I grew immeasurably through my interactions with my sister Mojoans and my experiments in color <3
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Thank you Tracy for your happiness! Kisses, Rossana
Jorin said…
Great photos, thanks for sharing!
hennies.pennies said…
I'm so glad to have shared these awesome moments with you through your pictures. I can't imagine the thrill of of these moments you lived!! Be especially blessed!! Kathy H
peggymcd said…
Really enjoyed seeing your long journal, fun but taxing.
Jackie PN said…
Merry Christmas Tracy to you and your family! xoxo
Unknown said…
Happy Holidays. Thanks for sharing your view of the world, it is breathtaking.
Jacqualine Hart said…
Excellence seeing the world through your eyes!
Joanne said…
What a beautiful post -- i had a grwat year also but the best trip was 3 weeks in italy two weeks in umbria on a farm and one week in montalcino tuscany in an apartment on the main piazza near the bell tower thanks for a chance to win
Unknown said…
Glorious, inspiring photos! Thank you for sharing!
Unknown said…
Glorious, inspiring photos! Thank you for sharing!
Unknown said…
Beautiful images again! Thank you for sharing and Happy Holidays to you and your family. And thank you for a chance at your awesome giveaways.
Unknown said…
Love the "eye" you have on the world. The simple details, the important moments, and the "noticing". Thank you for sharing your life with us. I would so love to have a place in your class. Then, maybe I can arrange for you to come and teach in Santa Fe. <3
Barbara Bishop said…
I love this pendant and have such love for elephants after living in Nepal for the last year. I would love to win as my Mom died this year to cancer and her wish was not for me to come home but to ride and elephant and send her pictures which I did and this would remind me of her. Merry Christmas to you and a blessed new year!
Jean said…
Such beautiful photos! How exciting and happy! THank you for sharing and for the chance to win! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing a great year with us!
SMalec said…
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas! Thanks for sharing your amazing experiences with us. So inspiring and joyful!
Thank you for sharing your amazing travels with us! Wishing you the happiest of holidays!
Suzee said…
Thanks for sharing your journey with us! Seeing La Sagrada Familia in person is one of my dreams.
carolyn nicholls said…
From Brighton to bright room, from England to enchantment, from winter mist to summer sun- its Christmas time for everyone!
Happy days Tracy. xxx Carolyn
Unknown said…
Wonderful images - just perfect to make us all dream and maybe do something special in the coming days, weeks and more. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.
Unknown said…
Roald Dahl is just so cool,fun to see the quote ☺. Lovely pictures again, what a blessing to make such a trip!!
Unknown said…
Roald Dahl is just so cool,fun to see the quote ☺. Lovely pictures again, what a blessing to make such a trip!!
Jo Murray said…
It has been a wonderful year for you Tracy....and I've enjoyed it vicariously. Hope 2016 is even better.

PS: am a great fan of Roald Dahl.
Cathy said…
Merry Christmas. Love all of your wonderful photos.

Cathy M.
artbyildy said…
Merry Christmas and a CREATIVE JOYFUL EVERYDAY for the new year
Lynette (NZ) said…
Merry Christmas Tracy - I am so excited that I got given your book for Christmas - happy holidays :-)
natski said…
I love that you took your shoes off for the stones in Avebury, I did the same thing at the clava cairns in Scotland and there is such an amazing buzz of energy. merry christmas :)
Unknown said…
Merry Christmas! Love the photos. You always inspire my creative spirit!
Loz said…
Having a great journey following your beautiful stories thank you Tracy
Jane said…
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I have been enjoying the photo memories of your journeys. They and you are an art inspiration. Thank you so much!
Mary Hurlburt said…
Thank you for sharing your amazing journey.
Anne O said…
Your words "beautiful transformations often happen out of struggle" meant so much to me today. Thanks for more lovely pics of your travels.
Robbie said…
Wow I didn't know u had pendants Would love one of those. About the only thing I haven't gotten of yours. Maybe I'm a stocker. <3
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful experience for 2015. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and holiday season and all the best for a health and creative 2016.
Brandy said…
How truly amazing to swim with the whale sharks. I hope I get that opportunity someday. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!
Unknown said…
Thank you for posting your amazing journey to share! Feel like I was there! All those experiences make us who we are... fantastic people! Hoping to get a spot in one of your classes. Been wanting to take one for at least 2 years now, but need a scholarship. Pick me, please!
Denise Girardin said…
My husband and I both turning 60 in 2016 and have established it as the "Year of Travel" and after looking at just these pics today, can't decide where to start! Such an amazing year for all of you. So :) you had this amazing adventure!
nadia said…
wow! what a glorious year! adventure, love and light! all the best to you in 2016!
You are truly blessed! Soaking up beautiful inspiration as you travel the globe, then sharing through art. Amazing!
Line said…
Hej Tracy, from my heart i'm so grateful that you are in this world being such a beautiful soul , being so grounded, you make me welcome in your fantastic painting world ;) Even though I don't know you personally I can feel your authenticity (is that spelled right ;))). thank you for 2015 and see you in 2016.. XO Line
Unknown said…
There are so many things I want to do this coming year: your class would be one of them!! More!!
cgo said…
John Muir reminded us that "nature includes us." I love that. Your photos remind me that this is so.
Unknown said…
As alway,your posts are heart warming.Thank you for sharing your blessings.
Unknown said…
Nature is so amazing ~ Love walking the journey with you!
Barbro Olsson said…
Gorgeous photos from your Journey around the world! I could sense your tremble on the "hanging cliff", the grass under your feet and Tintagels magic!
Wendy Jasper said…
Thanks for the inspiration to travel again Tracy. Merlins cave YES PLEASE! Wild horses - I think so! And that view through the ancient wall in Cornwall - breathtaking doesn't quite seem enough. xxx
rebecca said…
Love seeing all the images from your travels Tracy!
connie w said…
what a lovely post! beautiful pictures!
Unknown said…
You are awakening the travel part of my soul!
Pilgrim said…
Merry Christmas Tracy, your photo's and memories are mesmerizing. What a wonderful time you had.
Cardamom Kisses said…
ooh, so much joy and happiness captured in this series of photos! absolutely amazing, i'm so happy for you :)
Unknown said…
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks for sharing all your journey and travels with all of us I love seeing all your pictures !
cjaxon said…
I loved watching your journey on Instagram each day. Such an amazing year! -cdjaxon31
Patti said…
Your photos are amazing!! Merry Christmas
Anonymous said…
Beautiful post! I don't think I can choose just one favorite. From all the wonders of nature to the manmade creations and landmarks. The most beautiful cathedral to the simplicity of a wandering horse. What an incredible journey.Amazing!
Carol Kitchell said…
What a wonderful journey! All those sights and sounds and impressions must have filled your creative inspiration well full.
Happy post-holidays to all! Here's to a happy 2016 - filled with whatever soothes your soul.
sweetcheeks said…
Wonderful, to allow me to tag along with you to all these marvelous places. Such a rich life experience.
Unknown said…
Love watching your inspiring!!
artbyildy said…
Dear My Tracy,
Your life is a rainbow, thank you for sharing your beautiful soul
Merry Xmas Holiday
Lumenskara said…
Wish you a beautiful Holiday!
Thanks for sharing your inspiral journey, wish to have possibility to visit these kind of beautiful places
Unknown said…
I adore your beauitful work and the colour combination are awesome, i love elephants too these are simply gorgeous. Merry Festive season and a Happy New year toall ;)
Jody said…
Enjoy revisiting all the people and places of 2015, next year *2016* will be a new adventure of being creative and meeting new people. Enjoy the end of this year and be ready for all that *2016* has to offer. :-)
Isabelle said…
This quote is on my altar at work ;-)! Thank you for sharing your magical journey!
Unknown said…
I loved following your adventures this year!
Maureen said…
I want to be you when I grow up! Such amazing adventures. Seriously, this short blog post has made me rethink some of my dreams. So much of the world out there, I quickly need to get about living it. I hope that 2016 brings you more love and laughter and glorious adventures.
artbyildy said…
Oh it is great to see those happy faces woman around you You definitely know something more than others
Love you
Adriana said…
Oh Tracy, what a wonderful inspiration you are!! Best wishes always!❤💖
Terry said…
What a wonderful trip! I love the pictures!
Unknown said…
I love all these pics and I hug trees too! I was so excited to hug redwoods when we were in California a few months ago!
Unknown said…
The whale shark looks like a beautiful cloud in the sky. That blue is breathe taking.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for reminding me that there is a great big world out there and finding balance in yourself brings you back to center. Enjoy your holidays!
DonnaD said…
What a wonderful journey. Thanks for sharing.
MorganM said…
Thank you for sharing such lovely stories, beautiful art, joyful, fun travels and heartfelt love. I start my world travels in 2016!
Loveluvluvlife said…
Thankyou!!! So much you shine so bright!!! Love your blog....Happy New Year for 2016 may 2016 shine bright on you all tooooooo!! lots of love xoxox
Kathleen said…
What an experience you've had! The sights, the food and the artsy friends who got to play with you... it's like a whole bucket-list fulfilled!
Unknown said…
(Take 2!)

I am absolutely in love with your Ellie!! All of your art is just total gorgeousness, of course, but gosh, I have such an amazing spot in my heart for ellies!!
Anna said…
I also enjoyed being a part of your journey around the globe. You and Marco do a great job of narrating your adventures.
Myrto said…
We live in an amazing world!
SewPaperPaint said…
What an amazing life you live, so inspiring. These pendants are so beautiful!
Anonymous said…
wow, love the pictures of you in the sacred spaces, what a beautiful spiritual journey.
romsmi said…
Can't wait to get home from holidays with my new paints I have just bought and get my mojo on....I have some new dreamy coastal colours to dive into :)
Thank you Tracy for your inspirational quotes and for sharing your beautiful works and family pics xo
I think your 2015 artwork is amazing. And to look back on it and be surprised about the amount of beautiful work is a great surprise, right?!
Happy New Year!
Happy 2016!
Happy Life!
Carina said…
Lovely travels my dears.
Pati said…
I remember ready a post before you went on this journey, it's so nice to see the final result of your globetrotting. You show me all of those wonders I'd love to see!
Colorful Heart said…
I'm keeping this post in my browser for I can look back and feast on your photos over and over again.
I've so enjoyed your travels and your painting adventures over the last year. Seeing the world thru your eyes has been amazing! ~Hobby
Barbara said…
Such nature reflects us inside and sometimes, outside too!
Bec Fowler said…
Nature is so inspiring and infinitely grounding. Beautiful
Unknown said…
Thank you for your inspiration for art
Unknown said…
Such an amazing adventure
Angie Bumgarner said…
Love your quotes about finding magic and looking at things with the wonder of children. I need to pin that somewhere to remind myself of that.
Unknown said…
Love seeing all that you did on this adventure!
robin west said…
thanks for the reminder...what a wonderful world!
Unknown said…
Yes believe in magic and magic will happen!
M Adaya LeMae said…
Your Ventana sunrise picture is indeed magical! Magic is one thing I don't want my son to lose as he grows up. This year we're starting a new family tradition of celebrating Summer and Winter Solstice. We'll be talking about nature, making fairy gardens, creative nature inspired craft projects and works of art, making food from scratch, sitting around the fire, star gazing, etc. I'm so excited to keep the magic alive for my little one!
Love the pics...especially the tree hugging. I also love your elephants so much. Happy painting! Reed
Unknown said…
We are all very blessed. What experiences you have shared. Fantastic.
Unknown said…
Lovely to see such connection to nature.
Unknown said…
Tracy, Thank you so much for the Paint Mojo class! YOU changed my life. 🎨
Kelcie Bryant-Duguid said…
Merry Christmas to you also. There is a wonderful sense of calm and peace and joy in your posts. Thank you for sharing some of the precious things that have made your year so special. Those butterfly images are incredible!
Ciara said…
Gratitude always for shining on us all
HeARTworks said…
I was just thinking that it's good that YOU get to travel because you share your amazing experiences with us!!! patsy
KarenS said…
Those places are fantastic!
Deitra Hart said…
That necklace!!! I saw your art in a magazine and I was so taken with this elephant. I read the article on our vacation & immediately had to find out more about you. While on that same vacation, I got a message from my beautiful friend, Mel McGee, who said that she'd sent me a book and signed me up for a class that she thought would lift me up and inspire me. When I got home, waiting for me was a copy of Paint Mojo and a note telling me that she'd signed me up for your class. She had no idea that I had been reading about you while on vacation - it was just fate! We live on opposite coasts, haven't seen each other in years, yet she KNEW I needed this! Every time I see that painting, I am reminded that magic does exist. :)
Unknown said…
Your photography is amazing, in all these posts. Your next book?? I can already see it on my coffee table!
Unknown said…
The whale shark, my favorite creature on earth... How awesome that must have been. I cant imagine the feelings that went along with swimming so close.
Stephanie Danbom said…
Food. Friends. Family. Fun. Sunsets. Sunrises. Silhouettes. Loves of your Life! Need I say more? You are blessed beyond measure! Hugs! Steph