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Nine days of giveaways! Day two. 2015 through the lens of color!

Hello, hello for Day two of my 2015 end of year recap and giveaway!!
So grateful to have you all along for the ride!
Today I'm sharing my year with you all through the lens of color!

These pics are not in any particular order but this one taken of me at the very beginning of the tour in Palm Desert California pretty much sums up my love of color ( ahem and pattern!)

 The whole way along I found myself surrounded by fellow color afficionados, like here in my friend and hosts Dakri's gorgeous studio where I stayed on the banks of the Ohio in Newburgh, Indiana. It always helps having fluffy friends to cuddle with when you're far from home too. I could do a whole other blog post on that! 

 In Albuquerque I took a stroll around the neighbourhood where I was staying with my wonderful friends Annie and Ed Hooten who will be hosting me again in 2017. This fab truck caught my eye. i wonder why? ;p

 In Coconut Grove Florida we spent a wonderful few days with my sweet Aunty Robyn and family and she took us to see the Chihuly exhibition which was truly mesmerising!

 Of course color was the main ingredient in my demo paintings along the way. This incarnation of my demo at Whidbey Island Washington, I loved very much. Of course it turned into several different paintings after this before deciding to be an underwater scene ;)

 The welcoming and picturesque town of Coupeville on Whidbey was filled with colorful characters and scenes!

 In Dallas these two lovelies and twenty or so others filled my weekend with color and smiles :)

 While back on Whidbey my other demo painting decided it was time for a bit of burlesque!

 In France in July we were just in time to take in the splendour of miles and miles of sunflower fields

 and a different golden light surrounded us at Gaudis extraordinary Basilica de Familia Sagrada in Barcelona!

 Cooler colors in beautiful Ireland with a pop of red in some fun boots I picked up along the way!

 Similar scenes of color in two very different places! Outside Buckingham Palace

 and strolling the streets of Oaxaca City where I am planning a Paint mojo retreat in 2017!

 Color was EVERYWHERE in Oaxaca!

 and also in Porto, Portugal. This city delighted us in every aspect! 

 In the South of Portugal we cruised the turquoise sea in Lagos in abright red boat!

 While San Sebastian, Spain offered a different beach experience (!!) in the height of Summer for my birthday week in July.

 Color popped up in scrumptious street art, this one was one of my favorites in Porto.

 while the Uk offered a more muted palette with pops of vibrancy punctuating the landscape here and there.

 In Wales we fell in love with the wild history...

 the quirky villages 

and their attempts to color coordinate with my wardrobe!

In Oaxaca we learnt about the cochineal bug and the incredible array of red dyes that can be obtained from it.

 and we feasted our eyes on the colorful animalitos made locally. Several of them jumped into our suitcases and emigrated to Australia!

Mexico is always a feast for my senses whether I'm in the desert in Baja or the marketplace in any town or city!
and of course my sweet students are a constant source of color inspiration, the lovely and talented Tracey Creighton in France!

and the vibrant and passionate Clare Campbell of Big Love Sista in Brighton, UK.... 
sometimes I cant resist turning them into art!

wishing you all rainbows of possibility every day!

 and lots of luck in my end of year giveaway!

Remember to leave a comment below to be in the draw AND let me know if you share on FB, Instagram. Twitter etc for more chances to win! 
Be sure to visit each of the nine posts for extra chances:) 

All winners will be drawn on Jan 11th!

Today's giveaway is this original painting on paper which featured in the March, April 2015 edition of Cloth Paper Scissors and is valued at $250


Becky said…
BeItiful painting:)
Kristin said…
Beautiful... what a lovely way to wrap up your amazing year!
Karen said…
The pictures are amazing! Keep em coming!!!!!
Unknown said…
Another beautiful piece of art! I love everything you do!!
Unknown said…
Another beautiful piece of art! I love everything you do!!
Diva Kreszl said…
Thank you for sharing all these beautiful colors!!! As we celebrate the Winter Solstice here in the U.S. seeing all these gorgeous colors remind me that spring will arrive and color will once again grace our surroundings!
Birgit Kerr said…
Such beautifully vibrant colors! LOVE the photos! Thank you for sharing!
Unknown said…
Tracey, if only my community could tour your colorful posts and fall in love with color! Imagine each home being Taupe or beige with grey driveways that don't blend??? Oh how I love your colors and use it in my clothes and art.
YES, keep teaching the beauty of living a world in color. The field of sunflowers, followed by Mexican villages were my favorite pictures.
Thanks Tracy....
KissedByAFrog said…
Is it our menopause or our age that sharpen our sence of color? I love love love to see the world through your eyes Tracy!
Unknown said…
Such beautiful photos and stories, I loved getting the updates from you this summer. What a wonderful book they would make. So thankful and blessed by you Tracy! Thank you for sharing all you do.
Amy M said…
Love your vibrant colors and how you see the color in your travels. Thanks for sharing
Unknown said…
Tracy I feel so blessed to be a part of your magical year!
Cindy Benko said…
Thank you for sharing these beautiful colourful photos. A bright spot on this rainy foggy December day in Southern Ontario :) xo
Linda R said…
delicious to the senses....absolutely beautiful.
Color is such an amazing thing! Your painting is wonderful! Thanks
Diane Wayne said…
I loved every moment of your journey and was surprised to learn you have stomach issues like me and how well you coped throughout so many countries
I'm inspired by your art and photos!
I am a sister mixed media artist/instructor,
and I would absolutely treasure your painting!
My blog is for contact.
bettywisse said…
Your life is full of so much beautiful color. Lovely painting, thanks of the chance to win it.
Josey said…
Love all the color! Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
You do seem to find color every where you go! Who knew Ireland was so colorful! And you got to see one of my very favorite artists in Florida... Dale Chihuly.
Karen Reed said…
Hello Tracy!!
I was to be part of your journey in a France this year, but couldn't make it and gave my spot away. Here's to wishing 2016 will be different and I'll meet up with you somewhere along your way. In the mean time I'm going to try & catch an online workshop.
Karen Reed
Joy George said…
What a colourful time you have had
Unknown said…
Wow, I love all the color that you captured from your travels, very inspirational. Thanks for sharing!
Prerna Poojara said…
What a colourful treasure you have captured and shared. I felt like I went on a tour with you. Such beautiful shots. I love the colourful vehicles you have captured. So much beauty. Looking forward to more of this journey.
CathyB said…
I love your art!! I follow you on Facebook and have a board for your art on Pinterest.
CathyB said…
I love your art!! I follow you on Facebook and have a board for your art on Pinterest.
Susan Sanchez said…
Tracy, the highlight of my year was meeting you and taking Paint Mojo in Palm Desert with you! Can't wait to do it again! XOXO
Angie W said…
Sooo gorgeous! And much needed at this time of miserable weather here in the uk . Thanks for providing sunshine!
artbyildy said…
Dear Tracy,
What a lovely inspiring colourful journey you have.
Usually life is grey but these colours are in my heart,
thanks for sharing your life
Lumi said…
I love your COLOURFUL pictures and paintings.
Fill my heart
Unknown said…
I really admire your artwork and your whole take on life, created beauty reflects inner beauty. Shared on FB too!
Mariette Bruinsma said…
The colors in your pictures are so inspiring!
Unknown said…
love this visual journey through life and colours! <3 <3 <3
Loz said…
So enjoying your journey Tracy and the colour ...its fabulous....
Brandy said…
I had the opportunity to tour the Chihuly gardens in Seattle this fall and it was breathtaking. It was definitely a highlight of my year. I think it's cool that we shared that overlap. I enjoyed following your travels and I am living the beautiful recap. Thank you!
Unknown said…
I want to climb into this tree , the colors are so bright and beautiful , I would stay in this tree all day !
peggymcd said…
Really appreciate your pictures of your amazing trip
Debbie said…
Really enjoyed seeing the photos of your travels! Love all the color!
hennies.pennies said…
Oh, I do love the vibrancy of the colors you capture!! It makes me feel so joy-filled!!

Be blessed!!

Kathy H
Jackie PN said…
Love all of your photos Tracy! So full of color and life!!
Jackie xo
Kristen said…
You are so fortunate to be able to do all this traveling and thanks for showing all your colorful photos. I love the painting!
Janet Ghio said…
A beautiful painting! and what a feast for the eyes all your photos are!!
Unknown said…
I love seeing all the beautiful pictures of your travels! I will share on FB
Raquel Kane said…
Love this earthy piece Tracy. Love the juicy, vibrant pink! There is a beautiful walk this painting take you on with a treasure in the most unexpected places.
Rossana said…
I love all your art... so beautiful!
Kim Mailhot said…
Your love of vibrant color was what drew me to your art, Tracy! It's like a celebration and a feast for the eye. Thank you for the chance to win a Tracy Verdugo original!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
margret said…
You have a wonderful life. I would love to travel all the time and see such art. Thanks for the chance to win a beauty.
Unknown said…
Tracy I have followed you for years and now is the time to learn from you. I have tried to win each time you do a giveaway so, in my humble opinion, ;) it's my turn to receive a course. For me, 2015 has been a year of surgeries, death in the family, moving and stress. This course can bring me back to freedom and expressiveness. I know it. Please send one my way this time. I alway have been and will always remain, your biggest fan!
Stephanie said…
what an amazing year!
Mary Dean said…
What a lovely painting! I'd be honored to display your art in my home! Thanks so much for the generous giveaway! :) Shared on FB.
Jorin said…
What a beautiful painting in wonderful colors!
Unknown said…
Your paintings make me smile! Shared on Facebook.
Unknown said…
Another gorgeous gift! You are spoiling us.
Kimla said…
Love your posts. So colourful! Very inspirational.

I shared on Facebook;
I shared on twitter;
I shared on Pinterest.

Hope I win! :-))
Deborah Weber said…
So much beautiful color to fill my heart. And what a delightful painting!
Unknown said…
Love your work and I really would like to attend a retreat!
Unknown said…
Love your work and I really would like to attend a retreat!
Cathy said…
Love all the colour in today's pics. Makes me feel like painting.
Unknown said…
Tracy, may I please be your assistant next year??? Please, please! I am in love with all of your photos and am so happy you've shared them...what fun. I did share on FB so hopefully more people will be stopping by to enjoy your website and enter to win your beautiful painting. Bev Sparks.
Lynn Hardin said…
I join you in the love of color. What you share with us is such a beautiful expression of your true self which a bright bright light. The photographs are beautiful and juicy!! xoxo
Unknown said…
Ben open to new possibilities ! C'est pour moi !!!
Unknown said…
Ben open to new possibilities ! C'est pour moi !!!
vzmaggie said…
Love your demo painting from Washington! I have enjoyed your animalitos course. Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful painting! ♡♡♡
vzmaggie said…
Love your demo painting from Washington! I have enjoyed your animalitos course. Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful painting! ♡♡♡
Suzee said…
Luscious, drool-worthy color! I don't think I could live in a world without color. Thanks for sharing you year with us this way.
Jan said…
Sitting in the deary airport in Chicago and looking at the beautiful, colorful places in the world. Thank you!
Your photos are a gift in themselves!
Leslie Bruce said…
Fabulous pictures, always inspiring. Thanks for sharing!! xo
Unknown said…
Color Color Color tickles my tummy... So many magical places
Wonderful.. thank you for shring
Anonymous said…
Oh I just love all the color!!! The painting you created from the photo of your colorful student as she painted. Beautiful in both photo and your art. Thank you for sharing your journey!
Unknown said…
Thank you so much for sharing all the yummi color inspirations. What a great journey!
Mo Mapes said…
WOW! How fortunate you are to have been able to see such beautiful places.
Unknown said…
Beautiful! A feast for the eye and the imagination.
Karen Kropidlowski said…
Love the bright colors of your artwork and the photos are Beautiful.
Unknown said…
Such a lovely painting, so colorful like Oxaca, hugs, bj
Unknown said…
Such a lovely painting, so colorful like Oxaca, hugs, bj
Painting Pixies said…
I absolutely love this painting and would love it hanging in my studio to inspire me everyday :-)
Jean said…
Such beautiful colors from the painting to your photos!
cgo said…
Day Two emphasis on color...beautiful photos...yearning to travel.
Anonymous said…
Tracy you are my angel of inspiration who came to my life with rainbows. Every your artwork and photos so colourful and beautiful. I will be happy to hanging your picture on my wall.
Unknown said…
Wow, what an awesome post! Thank you for sharing your year with us!
Patti B said…
You are such an inspiration! Come to camas,wa!
Patti bryan
Anonymous said…
What a colorful journey! Peace, Ronda
Patty said…
I cannot wait til Wisconsin 2016! These pics really put me in the mood to paint :)
Unknown said…
I love all the color...puts me in my happy place!
Energy! Energy in your travels is evident in the smiles and colors. Your eye is drawn to the beauty of the world - don't lose that vision!
margret said…
I was so greatful for my husband this 2015, He has been my rock during some health issues. I still am greatful for art. Thanks for the chance
Unknown said…
I loved your picture of the buildings in Portugal! Also, Wales, since my grandpa is from there originally.
Jo Murray said…
I followed your travels with delight...tinged with a wee bit of green. What a wonderful journey to share with your beloved. Can't believe that I missed getting into your Buderim workshop in February. Bugger! Will share your giveaway on my Facebook page. Have a wonderful Xmas.
Lynette (NZ) said…
Fabulous - I love your work and your use of colour. Thanks so much for your generous days of giveaways :-)
Nanda said…
So gorgeous! In love with your work... And how generous of you ❤
Sandra C. said…
Thank you for sharing your travels with us. Loved traveling with you! I smiled through the entire post!
Anonymous said…
Love your generous heart and sharing your story! We used to live in South Florida and loved Fairchild Gardens and the Chihuly glass. :) This painting states 2 of the messages that have been recurring themes for me, play and open. :) xo Happy Holidays!
Cecilia Stevenson said…
Beautiful earth filled with the magic of colors and your travels.
Thank you for sharing that magic with us.
Terry J Walker said…
Wow, so much beauty and color in the world! I am so looking forward totaling one of your classes in 2016...maybe in Oaxaca...
Robyn Wood said…
The beautiful noise of colour and texture is all around - your year has certainly been filled with it. No surprise there:)
Sandy said…
Finding blasts of color and getting a great photo are happy convergences.Love the free hugs!
romsmi said…
Loved watching your overseas journey as it unfolded and the joy you bought to many as they joined you. The colours and beauty were a joy to see. I'm feeling blessed today as a complete stranger in front of me at the cafe I was at paid for my coffee. I'm now going to pay it forward and do something for someone tomorrow. Merry Christmas to you all and may 2016 be filled with peace and love. xo
Mimzy said…
Shared with friends!
Unknown said…
Wow....what a life. You are blessed and the way you inspire the creativity in others is day I will get to one of your workshops... Beautiful work and pictures...
Cecilia Stevenson said…
Feeling blessed to have the light of color and love surrounding me in this special day. Thank You, Tracy, for been such an emissary of living colorful love!
Mollie said…
Amazing art from yourstudents. When will you be teaching in the San Diego area?
Mollie said…
Amazing art from yourstudents. When will you be teaching in the San Diego area?
Color, so powerfu!
I love the bright and fun color found in Mexican pottery that seeps out into other mediums, like a trucks paint job in NM ;-)
Unknown said…
I never tire of wonderful colors! Life is grand!
DonnaD said…
What a lovely and colorful life you lead.
rebecca said…
Such beautiful images Tracy!
JackieW said…
Hi! Tracy I sure would love to win this!
I adore seeing all your phto memories!!!!
I'm on Facebook!
Unknown said…
What can I say Tracy! You have had the most amazing Year and journey ever! The joys and struggles of your personal growth will stay with you forever, and will continue to shape who you are ... one of the most amazing and caring people in this world! As an artist you are an absolutely awesome one ... your art is beautiful, colourful and full of life! Meeting you this year, has been one of the loveliest and most wonderful things that could have happened to me. You have inspired me in ways that you will never know! I wish you and all your family, the very best for now, for 2016 and for the future! Thank you so much, Tracy!!!! From me: Dora Liddy
Unknown said…
I love love love all the color and images you bring to life in your paintings. Amazing!
DonnaD said…
Beautiful, beautiful!
love Love LOVE all these juicy images! ~Hobby
Unknown said…
Just wow! what a amazing beauitful creation love it love it.
Adriana said…
What a feast for the heart are your paintings! I love you colors!❤💖
Anonymous said…
Beautiful color inspiration-Thank you Tracy! Any trips to California next year???
Unknown said…
Inspiration is everywhere and it seems to find you!
Mexico is the most colorful place I've been. Todos Santos and El Pescadero are my favs. I'm happy you enjoy colorful Mexico, too!
Unknown said…
I adore all these colorful pictures. So joyful and vibrant!
SewPaperPaint said…
What a pleasure to see the world through your eyes! Amazing painting, CPS was wise to publish!
Petra Hrziwnatzki said…
Stunning painting!!! The energy that flows from your work is so wonderful!!
HB said…
Beautiful painting. The colors are so vivid and bright. What a way to end the year.
Unknown said…
I can't remember if I commented on this one! Inspiring you are!!!
Lisa said…
Your painting and pictures are like eye candy to me. Love it.
Alex said…
I took my first solo trip through Europe this year, and found all the colors of the buildings and the culture to be so vibrant. I can't wait to travel and see even more :) Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures with us!
Pati said…
I am so inspired by all of the amazing colors you captured! The pink lady in front of Buckingham palace was my favorite!
Unknown said…
Lovely colour inspiration 💜
coco.nut said…
I love your colour choices, they are even more interesting and vibrant for me now, as we experience frost (with very little snow) at the moment, so it's a very unpleasant time in Poland...

thank you for the chance to win!
Colorful Heart said…
bright colors make my heart reason I always love your art!
Since I can't remember which ones I've commented on, I'm sending you the Love again and sharing all of the giveaways. Much love to All! ~Hobby
I absolutely LOVE this painting! So inspired by your work & your teaching. ~Hobby
Barbara said…
Chi hilt wow! My daughter and I have become closer this year after a few years of distance. Contentment
Bec Fowler said…
Such gorgeous colourful travels.
Unknown said…
Love the feedback from your other students
Unknown said…
Such a colourful year you had
Sue Young said…
Color color color!!! Just beautiful!
Unknown said…
the color....the color....the color....fabulous!
robin west said…
you color our world, thank you so very much!
M Adaya LeMae said…
The doors/windows in Portugal neat! There's a place in the UK called Lymm where the doors are each a different color (you can Google it). I lived in the UK for six months and was also taken by the colorful beauty there. Love Mexico and all its vibrant colors as well! Thank you for sharing your adventures!
Angie Bumgarner said…
HAHA!! I think I get drunk on color sometimes. Glad I'm not the only one :D
Whippoorwill said…
Beautiful colours! I love tulips and they are starting to stock cut ones at a local florist where I live.Thank you for a splash of bright in the dark of winter. Vibrant and lovely :) Reed
Unknown said…
Color! Exactly what drew me to your art.
Unknown said…
Tracy thank you for changing my life with Paint Mojo fall 2015! I sold my first piece of work ever!!
Kelcie Bryant-Duguid said…
What a colourful adventure! Love the photos of your journeys. Falling in love with Portugal and Mexico.
Congratulations on your piece being featured in Cloth, Paper Scissors, so very inspiring!
Ciara said…
In 2015 I opened myself to new possibilities and was very fortunate to stumble upon Tracey's Painting Mojo E-couse. The multitude of new creative adventures continue to unfold
HeARTworks said…
What a beautiful gift you have of sharing joy with us!!! Love your pictures and words! patsy
elalex said…
Thank you for this inspiring post and the generous giveawy ☺
elalex said…
Thank you for this inspiring post and the generous giveawy ☺
KarenS said…
Oh, the colors!!!
Deitra Hart said…
Your art makes my soul smile!
All along, I have deeply enjoyed your gorgeous photos, eye for color and detail, and generous sharing of your amazing trip! I would love to win one of your art works. Cheers for the give-away.
Unknown said…
Loved all these vibrant colors! Got a chuckle out of the photo of the building matching your wardrobe !
Lisa said…
So much COLOR!! I Love it! I don't know if you were able to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Children's Museum when you visited Indiana, but I so love his work. :) Such happiness - here's being open to new possibilities all the way around!
Jodi said…
Play is good! Love the painting.
cjaxon said…
I know I keep saying it... but my soul is longing to travel after reading through your posts! Maybe if we hit the lottery...
Anonymous said…
Love all of the bright, fun colors :) ~Sophia Vida
Unknown said…
I especially love this painting! Love the colors! Beautifully done!
Carol Regan said…
Your colors! What can I say? Your paintings are gorgeous and so appealing to me! Looking forward to more artwork posts. Love this painting!
Stephanie Danbom said…
There aren't enough colors in the pallet to express the energy you bring to the scene. I am aw-struck that I have a front row seat! You are living an extraordinary existence beautiful lady! Hugs! Steph