Well hello, hello
my intrepid, awesome, beautiful family and friends!
Happy holidays and much love, peace, connection, joy AND a plethora of all good things your way, as we head rapidly towards a brand new year!!
I know some of you may have begun to think that I had fallen off the edge of the blogosphere and others have been following along with my topsy turvy 2016 journey on Instagram and Facebook, sending so much love and support my way, that I have spent the better part of my year utterly astonished and grateful for this tribe that I belong to so intrinsically.
I'm going to keep this recap post MUCH shorter than previous years. Not because it has been any less incredible but because I am partially on a PAUSE and that means tending to my own self care and stepping back a little from the crazy pace I have set for myself these past few years.
As usual though, my favorite part of writing this end of year post is that I get to host a GIANT GIVEAWAY in gratitude for all of YOU!!
And all you have to do is leave me a comment below letting me know something that you have been grateful for in 2016.
This year I am giving away 12 gifts valued at $1600!!
(please share on social media and then tell me how many times you did for extra chances to win)
* 6 spots in the upcoming January session of my wildly popular Paint Mojo ecourse. Over 1400 students have now taken part in this class and I have received amazing testimonials from many on how it has changed their creative worlds!
*4 spots in my Mini Mojo classes (you get to choose which one!)
*TWO original paintings from my wise and wonky owl series. these little owls have literally been selling within minutes, sometimes seconds of posting on FB and instagram and I would love you to be the lucky winner of one!
These ones have already flown off to their new homes but the winners will get to choose their own colours!
Paint Mojo the ecourse starts on Jan 20th and runs for six weeks. I would love you to join me even if you don't win a spot!
A special early bird registration of $197 will be available on Jan 1st. You can sign up to be kept in the loop on this class and all of my other artsy news right here.
So let me share just a little of my 2016......

It started off so beautifully.
We had just arrived home from an epic 9 months teaching trip around the globe and I was greeted by our beautiful girls and Santana's sweet man Jacob AND the huge surprise of an incredible makeover they had pulled off on my studio!
We were loving being with our girls and Jacob and the kitties AND a houseful of visiting brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews over Christmas and New Year!
There seemed to be a pattern this year of overwhelming contrast.
Of deep emotions both joyous and heartwrenching.
Like one day I'm cuddling a baby wombat for the first time in my life....
The next I'm helping my baby girl pack up all of her belongings and move three hours away leaving us with an empty nest....
Like one minute I'm backstage in Sydney meeting my dear friend Liz Gilbert of Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic fame, in person, for the first time, and totally hanging out by the washing machine and all!!
and next minute I'm having a mammogram because I've found a lump, two weeks before I'm heading off for my next three month teaching tour
and then suddenly I'm on the road again, firstly at my favorite art retreat Art Is You in Santa Rosa, Ca
then on to nine other venues across the country including Jenny Doh's amazing Crescendoh studio in Santa Ana. It's fitting that my first two workshops in the U.S this year were held in cities named after saints because I was about to be calling out to every Saint I could think of!
As I made my way across the country, navigating medical phone calls and results from ultrasounds and biopsies, far from home and running the gamut of emotions between uncertainty, dread, hope and optimism, my dear hosts, all of them close friends, held the space for me, loving me and giving me the behind the scenes care that allowed me to keep on teaching.
I taught in some incredible spaces, like this amazing hangar in Dallas and my students, as usual, filled my heart with such joy that most of the time, I was able to be present in the moment, enjoying the beautiful space we were creating together.
I met up with mi amor in Taos, for a three day romantic rendez-vous, and we hiked and soaked and ate and wandered and filled our spirits with each other. We bought a giant love heart drum, found several heart rocks while hiking to an abandoned mica mine and I was mesmerised by a beautiful photo by Taos artist Zoe Zimmerman of a bare breasted, blindfolded woman next to a beautiful horse at the Love Apple restaurant.
We decided that somehow, everything would be okay.
In Miami we were blessed to spend time with my beautiful Aunt Robbie and her sweet family. We've only known each other for 4 years since I met my biological father in 2012 but it feels like forever. Robbie and her husband Luis bundled us up, connected me with the most beautiful breast cancer care nurse Tania, who I believe is secretly an angel, and within days I was having a fine needle biopsy at South Miami Baptist Breast Center. (Man this is hard to describe in so few words!)
Tania and I are working on a plan for me to come volunteer a workshop for some of the patients there in 2018.

In Melbourne Florida I returned to teach at the most wholeheARTed venue I know; Art Is More, and this truly amazing group of women waited with me on Day one of the workshop for the results of the biopsy, and then, danced and cried and laughed and painted abundantly with me for the next two days, after the results came back as cancer. Truly, truly, truly, being with this group at this time gave me such strength and hope and love and I am sooooooo grateful to these women.
The magical demo painting that came out of our time together remained there in Melbourne with my dear friend Sherri and was appropriately titled "She Tribe"
and on I went, across the country to finish off several more workshops (will share a little more on those over the next few days as I announce daily winners) before returning home to Australia for surgery. Two tumours were removed successfully, I started on hormone blocking medication to prevet recurrence, and my oncologists decided that it was okay to postpone radiation until after we returned home from my Bali commitments in September
and then I made some BIG decisions about 2017
so in August I posted this to FB
Isn't the Universe just so freakin miraculous!!!??
So on we went to the paradise that is Bali and the contrasts continued... a week of bliss with group number one...I mean teaching art in the pool!!! It doesn't get much better than that!
watching the sun rise with mi amor, grateful for each new day....
dinners on the beach with amazing women ( and one equally amazing man).....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!
So many amazing memories!
And yes. the contrast. Right in the middle, between two week long retreats, I had factored in a week off, you know, the self care thing I was talking about?
Instead, both mi amor and I became horribly ill, were diagnosed with Dengue fever and end up in hospital for the ENTIRE week between classes!
Special, special thanks to my wonderful friends/students Laura and Kelley who were staying on for a few days after retreat number one and stepped up to get all the goody bags ready for the incoming students while I was in hospital! A MASSIVE thank you also to the sweet students from retreat number two for allowing me naps and swim breaks when I needed them.
You all rock so much!!
and then it was home
to begin 30 sessions of radiation over six weeks
I kept my eyes open for simple beauty and everyday miracles and I found them in the conversations I had with the women in this waiting room....
In the walks that mi amor and I took on the beach before treatment and the sand art created by little roaming clams....
In the sky where I looked to the heavens each day to give thanks as I left the Cancer care center.
and in the eyes of our two beautiful girls who trusted in all the best possible outcomes and gift me every day with their love.
and then, it was done.
and here I am, in this home we have created together over the past twenty years.
Each day I begin with gratitude in my heart, for every part of this year, in all of its messiness and unplanned detours, in all of its poignancy and imperfection.
In all of its loving deep contrast
I wish you all so much happiness in this coming year. It seems 2016 has been tough for many, transforming in many ways, challenging us to step into a higher version of ourselves.
I found these beautiful words from Gandhi so moving and perfect for this time and so I offer them to you all
with love
Tracy xoxoxoxoxxo
ps don't forget to leave me a comment below. I'll be drawing winners daily for the next three days!
I am grateful for the love and forgiveness you have given me you are a true Angel xo ❤️
May your time of PAUSE nourish your soul!
Happy 2017!
I'm humbled by the challenges friends, family and I have experienced, and enthusiastically welcome 2017.
Thank you Tracy for brightening your ur world!
VIckie Horner
Amy Beeman
What am I (still) grateful for? My health, my family and my friends - truly can't and do not ask for any thing more.
There are two major things I'm grateful for.
1) That I'm out of a job that I hated. The downside to that, is I still don't have a job, but at least I'm not spending my days spent in a place that was killing me. lol, being grateful can be messy.
2)Each day that my father is still here. He has end stage COPD. We all know the end is very close. So each day I speak to him or get a text from him or see him, is a good day in my book! being grateful can be hard too.
Here's to a wonderful and crazy fantastic 2017!!
Michele Smith
This year I am thankful for:
teachers that are open and honest regarding their own struggles;
and for my partner who has looked after me this year whilst I become well.
The reminder to stop and smell the roses and appreciate all that we have.
Blessings to you Tracy <3
The thing I am most grateful for this year and everyday really, is the rich love I have in my life. I am blessed with amazing friends, family, a husband and even furry babies that bring me so much love! They give my life purpose.
Thank you so much for the generous giveaway, sweetie! So many goodies!!! I love you and your beautiful heart, Tracy!
On wards and up wards to 2017! ❤❤❤
is to create amazing art. Don't feel I am there yet....
I am grateful for Lifebook 2016 for you and the other extraordinary teachers who have brought me to the best art year I've ever had. I have come into my own and am ready to soar in 2017, thanks to your gifts.
Thank you and Happy New Year. ❤️
You inspire me with how you love your life so fully, even when having to deal with cancer. When I read on FB about your diagnosis it was pretty much identical to my breast cancer diagnosis a year ago. May you have perfect health and a full recovery. Blessings!!
You are truly inspirational!
Lori Levine
Hoping we sing together with our ukes, someday somewhere
Love you, blessings Karen💜
And for my big art studio too
I am grateful for the opportunities I have had so far which have supported me and my family. I am grateful for my family and friends, who stand with me no matter the direction we find ourselves moving. I am grateful for being me, and living this life, here, now.
I am grateful for all the changes, challenges, small and big deaths, because they showed me my courage and resilience, and that always
all is good, whatever it is!
I am grateful over and over again, and I think even the times in between when I'm not even thinking about him, for my gorgeous partner. He's everything I need when I need it and more, he lifts me up and gives so generously and so often I am constantly amazed by him. I love him with all my heart :)
I am grateful over and over again, and I think even the times in between when I'm not even thinking about him, for my gorgeous partner. He's everything I need when I need it and more, he lifts me up and gives so generously and so often I am constantly amazed by him. I love him with all my heart :)
Thank you for being such an example and Inspiration. So hope to be able to follow one of your classes in real life one day! But it can wait. Taking time to nurture yourself is also inspiring!. Love Mariette
Linda Hawkins
Although we never met personally it is like I know you for ages. I really want to thank you for the habit you tought me that everyday evening when I go to bed I look my day and thank you for every little thing that happaned with me and I'm learned to be greatful for little things too.
And I'm grateful that I find YOU and be friend with You.
love and hug from the other side of the World and take care
You write with wisdom and a joy in appreciating simple beauty. Thank you for sharing your reflection and inspiring me to think back and look ahead to how the new year can bring a transformation in me.
I'm pinning you to my Pinterest Boards too so more people can be thrilled over the moon with your inspiration!
Then there's my family so grateful everyone is healthy and happy. My PERSON came back to me and that helps complete this puzzle of me.
Have a safe happy healthy New Year to all ��
I have had to take a break from creating to relocate our home and provide lots of care.
Your blog has increased my desire to make time to creat!
Bless you for writing such an uplifting post. <3
I love your art and although we've never met, I love reading your uplifting posts and would love to get to know you and your art more closely. My year has also been one of ups and downs but I am blessed to have a wonderful family and also a group of lovely creative friends who give each other support each and every week.
Love and bountiful blessings for 2017 to you and your family.
Tania Wohling
I am thankful for my healthy family and the fact that so much research has been done to cure people like you with the ugly face of breast cancer.
I would love to be gifted with an e-course.
With gratitude,
Betsie Mathews
This year has been HUGE. I'm not the same person that I was when I started this year. I've made monumental life styles changes, remove toxic things, people, situations from my life. Learnt that I can't pour from an empty cup, and if I don't practise self care, there will be no self to care for.
I'm most grateful for being able to bear witness and be on the receiving end of the most amazing acts of love and kindness. From family, friends, and complete strangers. It's true that saying "What you put out into the world will always come back for you." The last few months I have been on the receiving end of karma. Good karma.
I would dearly love to do your paint mojo ecourse. Anything that fans and develops my creativity is always welcome.
I can't believe you have met Elizabeth Gilbert, and are her friend! That is very very cool.
I'm glad that you are on pause, and practising self care. I have to remind myself constantly that it's what I need to be doing right now.
Lots of love, light and healing to you Xxx
My 4 children are all grown up, ages 23, 28, 30, 34. My brother whI'm is 20 MO ths younger than me. Hum and his wife are parents to twins, my awesome 2 1/2 year old nephews!!!! Seeing life through their intense curiosity and awe for life, it nourishes me!! Being an Auntie feels amazing! 2016, these 2 lads, Caleb & Finn are inspiration, pure love, what I'm so grateful for. Peace, light, and love to all for 2017 ♡♡♡♡.
Thanks for the update and congratulations to the winners!
I am grateful to you for inspiring me to create. Art has become a passion that continually feeds my soul, and I am never alone. I am grateful to my family and friends, and most of all for my health. I hope 2017 brings you continued health and joy. xoxo.
I always enjoy all of your updates, but the year-end recap is always
such fun! Happy New Year to you and yours, as you get to revel in all
of your blessings.
I do love your book, it is one of my very favorites on my art shelf!
I haven't been able to get to classes this past year and a half or so, so
I so appreciate the you that is in it.
Much love, xoxo
Thank you for sharing your wonderful art. Always inspiring. <3
I am grateful for my family, for health and for finding back to the *real* me, which includes finding my creative soul and letting it fly.
I am thankful for this opportunity you give.
Thank you so much for sharing your art with the world. I really love it and your positive attitude. You have inspired me with your art, bravery and positivity.
I shared your link on Facebook in hopes an additional chance might help me win a spot in one of your classes. Ty for the opportunity!
My email is jackiesfun@gmail.com.
I have not as yet found the courage to sign up for one of your courses.
The courage to recognize my creativity.
Thank you for asking!
For me it was a year of putting many things on hold, maybe even my entire life. I had some hard times personally at the end of 2015, then the first half of 2016 kicked me in the gut professionally, again and again. Big projects crumbled, people turned out to be very different from what I thought, and by the time summer came I felt sad, empty, alone, and although I never stopped appreciating the blessings in my life, especially my kids, all I wanted to do was stay at home alone, and paint.
And yet, as I wrote to you in a comment on Facebook, art has been a source of struggle too. To learn to let go in art, as well as in life, of what I have inside, of what I feel, of who I am, and to love the result, would be a dream come true, and a true liberation. I've been raised to believe that nothing is ever good enough, and I really need it to be. I need to learn to let my intuition do what it wants to, and have fun in the process, instead of staring at a blank page in terror. I need me to be good enough for me, and I need what's inside of me to be good enough for me. Does that make sense?
And from that standpoint, I envy you. You have been facing a huge challenge this year, and yet in every picture on Instagram you smiled, you shone. I believe that comes from being at peace with who you are and loving who you are. And art gives you that, if you let it in.
I hope to learn to let it this year.
I'm grateful that I've been able to make a life that includes time for art, amongst all the busy-ness of work and family.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
Glad you are listening to PAUSE!!
I am grateful for new friends Lian & Doug & Doug's mom Ethel Jean.
I am also grateful for getting my car back that had been hit while parked. It is totally inspected with rear quarter panel pounded out & looks great! I am also grateful for all the special angels that have come into my life to help me heal various aspect of my being!
Blessings all around!
This year I'm grateful for the opportunity to work in a studio with children age 3-5 years almost every day at a primary-school. I learn so much from the children about painting, being fearless and just go with the flow. THEY HAVE THERE MUSE OF INSPIRATION AT HAND EVERY DAY AND WHEN I WATCH THEM CREATE I JUST FEEL BLESSED TO BE A PART IN A FANTASTIC CREATIVE PROCESS.
What I'm grateful for:
- recovering from a muscle disease flare up after 8 months. No more seizures. NONE!
- My boyfriend, who has been my rock in the hardest times
- My pets.
- My alternative medicine which healed me for the most part.
- My ability to paint again. <3
Have a WONDERFUL NYE Tracy! <3