2017, a year to reflect and replenish.....
so here we go my sweet creative friends and family.....
Many of you know me well enough by now to know that I am not one for brief recaps.
Some of my annual recaps go on and on and on, but this year, I am resolving to put it all in a nutshell, or at least a tiny glimpse of it in a nutshell.
**please read all the way to the bottom to enter my end of year giveaway.
There are 10 spots in my upcoming Face Fascination class up for grabs AND an original painting!!
After the intensity of last 2016 (you can catch up here), my journey through breast cancer and subsequent treatment, I made the decision to take things way easier than I have done for the past five years.
I soaked in numerous bubble baths
Spent more time playing games, even when obstacles presented themselves
took myself on lots of walks to the beach
looking for love in all the right places
and relished the chance to make beautiful memories with family
After taking the first six months off from teaching I had fun bringing new ideas and energy to several Aussie workshops from July to December, as always feeling grateful times infinity for this work I get to do and the amazing, beautiful people I get to hang out with
I spent as much time as I could painting and worked on several new series, including my wise and wonky owls which celebrate our innate wisdom and the beauty of our quirky imperfections all wrapped up in the unique loveable bundles we are!
My little owls continue to fly out the window as quickly as I can paint them and I LOVE seeing their little personalities emerge!
(You can win an original owl painting by leaving a comment on this post with a 2017 highlight of your own)
Mi amor embarked on his own creative project, a massive Tree of Life mosaic at the entry to our home!!
(here's a sneak peek)
Friends and family sent us sea glass from ALL OVER THE WORLD and mi amor embedded a secret message in the wall.
We'll be doing the grand unveiling soon and he has a riddle ready for those who want to take a guess. I'll be giving away a painting in January to the first person to figure it out!

We celebrated with a romantic Italian dinner and then took a visit back in time to the place where we made our vows. So blessed to walk alongside this loving guy.
In the middle of it all I created a brand new online class called Face Fascination and more than 400 students joined me for the first session!!
Next month we'll be running the class again (beginning January 10th!) and there is still time to register for the earlybird price ($147 USD) for the next 72 hours only!!!
You can read all about it and sign up here
(if you sign up and end up winning a spot we'll refund you)
ps I'm giving away ten spots in the class (valued at $197 each) so please leave a comment below sharing a 2017 highlight of your own.
Of course there was soooooo much more to the year than what I have included here but I think you get the gist. We all continue to grow and learn, through the wobbly times and the good and I am grateful for all of it! Wishing you more good than wobbly in 2018!
Don't forget to enter the giveaway by leaving a comment below and please share on all of your social media places for more chances. Most importantly include your email with your comment so I can let you know if you win!!!
I'll be drawing the winner in 48 hours and then sending a little reminder post that Face Fascination early bird sale price is about to end.
"Face Fascination has provided fabulous opportunities to try new things, revisit some old ideas in a new way and generally thrive on getting loose and exploring. Tracy's teaching style is relaxed and encouraging. After watching each lesson I couldn't wait to try it out myself! I love the fact that throughout these lessons Tracy is so open about the times she has struggled to make a piece work and then shown us all how to take steps to move through the disasters and turn them into masterpieces. I have loved every single lesson in this course so much and honestly believe it has helped to take my skills to new heights. I was constantly amazed by the work I produced after each class. I have learnt so much that I will certainly be doing the lessons over and over again. I have to say that this course is incredible value for the money!"
~ Ali Senior

"Besides learning to draw and see faces in backgrounds we already had or new ones we created, I loved the fact Tracy gives us permission. Permission to work in our own styles, to get frustrated and ways to overcome that, new ways to work with old and new materials. The videos are light, informative and all Tracy Verdugo, who is a pleasure to watch and learn from. Each lesson was challenging and rewarding. I loved the class so much."~Terri Ellis
Lots of love
Tracy xoxoxo
Leah xx
I love your photos and those wonderful owls!!! Thank you for the inspiration!
Truly inspiring, we'll see you next year in St Petesbourg!
Thank you for sharing your life my friend.
2017 was a roller-coaster of us.
Beautiful little doggies was born in February in our house and lovely friends are having 8 of them and one is stayed with us. Great experience and lovely feelings. :)
In March my husband broke his spine and has surgery with 6 big srew :( but luckily now he is ok.:)
I made a free weekly year-long painting course which was a great experience for me. I painted, made video lessons and learned a lot. :)
I made summer camps for children, it was great. :)
My son's illnes after 4+1/2 year of perfect cure changed and we are fighting now to be better again. :(
Doctors find stomach cancer a few weeks ago in my mothers hubby, he will have an operation in January. :(
Yesterday we had to sell our 18 years old car. we are on the bottom of financially. :(
I'm happy this year is over and heading for a much more happier one. :) :)
Love you all and wish you a wonderful artistic new year
love and hug
2017 brought me some much-needed bravery. I was finally able to enter trauma-orocessing therapy. And I've met some wonderful new friends.
Thank you for the chance to win this class!
two highlights for me.
My sons' band (both of them are in the band) One More Weekend put out their debut album, which we continue to promote. It's difficult but we believe in them and their music.
Highlight number 2 - found my "style" with my painting.
To explain, I like to draw in a realistic way but I like to paint with home-made "stamps" in a semi-abstract way. Finally explored a way of doing both on the one canvas and it worked out very well.
Wanted to attach a piccie on here but cannot do so. :(
I'm on Instagram if you want to check out my work.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot. Fingers crossed.
2017 was a tough one. My mother, who can no more stay alone in her appartment because she is old and sick,was terrified to go live in a center for old people (sorry, I don't know how you call this in english...). But, my biggest highlight is that my sister, who lives in a different city, decided to take my mother with her family. So now my mother is so happy to live there, with her grand child. Her health has improve and her spirit too. And mine too !
Thanks for the opportunity to win a place in this class.
Guylaine Morin
Happy anniversary!
I would say the biggest highlight of my year was getting married. I'd been with my partner for seven years (we got married on our seventh anniversary!) and we didn't know if we wanted to do the whole wedding thing. We decided to do a private ceremony, only us and the officiant, and then do another one with about 35 people. All during the planning, I was in school full time with an internship and a thesis to write, and it just felt like planning for something I didn't really care that much about--I wanted a marriage, not a wedding. It felt like a lot of stress. But, on the day it rolled around, I was really pleasantly surprised at how much FUN it was! I had such a blast. Before it happened, we had been planning on leaving after a few hours but it was such a good time that we were actually the last ones to leave! And we pulled it all off for under $2,000, including catering, live four-piece band, drinks, venue, costumes, decorations, dessert, etc. I got to talk to every single person there and it was such a happy day and all our family together in my favorite place in the world. :D
You can email me at rattlesnakepetz@gmail.com, or use my "follow up" email address. :)
Thanks again for this offer and for letting me reflect and ramble on about a great moment from 2017!
We purchased a beach house to use on weekends and the summer (3 hours from our regular house) so that has been a blessing! Still painting walls and doors, but it'll get there! : )
Robin (crtarbert@verizon.net)
My highlights of 2017: getting a promotion at work, finally addressing a health issue; spending a week at the Campbell Folk School (craft camp for grown-ups in the mountains of NC in the USA) with my mom and sister; visiting friends; and every day with my pup, Daisy!
I forgot to leave my email address......one of those days 🙄 so even though I’m not sure whether I’ll get disqualified now I’d like to add it anyway because I really really want to take part in your face fascination course. 😃 As I said my 2017 was utterly transformative and I’m free in so many ways now but a massive highlight for me was investing in myself and joining an art course by Mitch Bowler (listened to your interview with Mitch the other day Tracy, brilliant...gave me a lot to think about!) and Kevin Murphy, it’s been like a dream come true. My email address is reecieclaire@hotmail.com 💙
you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS
Ask Me.