So grateful today to be able to move my body
and also to have a man who appreciates and even
encourages my dorkiness.
"Give me your best Kate Bush Wuthering Heights dance"
He says,
and so I do....
So where did we leave off yesterday?
Oh right, I was going to tell you a story......
Off in the distance we could see a ruin
And beyond that, a tall Celtic cross and a lighthouse.....
A stumbled upon scene
We had no idea....
We come to this sign and we learn about Dwynwen, the Welsh patron Saint of lovers who lived here on this land some 1600 years ago as a hermit.
Reading her story I feel infinitely grateful for the freedom that many more women now have over their own destinies although I know that there is still much room for change......
Dwynwen lived during the 5th century and legend has it that she was one of the prettiest of Brychan Brycheiniog's 24 daughters. Dwynwen fell in love with a prince called Maelon Dafodrill, but unfortunately her father had already arranged that she should marry someone else.
Dwynwen was so upset that she could not marry Maelon that she begged God to make her forget him. After falling asleep, Dwynwen was visited by an angel, who appeared carrying a sweet potion designed to erase all memory of Maelon and turn him into a block of ice.
God then gave three wishes to Dwynwen. Her first wish was that Maelon be thawed; her second that God meet the hopes and dreams of true lovers; and third, that she should never marry. All three were fulfilled, and as a mark of her thanks, Dwynwen devoted herself to God's service for the rest of her life.

She founded a convent on Llanddwyn, off the west coast of Anglesey, where a well named after her became a place of pilgrimage after her death in 465AD. Visitors to the well believed that the sacred fish or eels that lived in the well could foretell whether or not their relationship would be happy and whether love and happiness would be theirs. Remains of Dwynwen's church can still be seen today.
Info source:
We wander amongst the ruins and both of us find a little love heart rock to keep.
The beaches of Wales has the most of these I've ever seen in our travels.....
We ask a lovely couple if they can take our pic in this place of history, love and pilgrimage and they happily oblige.
Then we start our long walk back.
We are following a circular track and it should be as easy as following the yellow walking signs. Somewhere along the way though we take a wrong turn and over the next couple of hours we sample the yellow, red, blue, green and black walking tracks, the red and black horse track, the blue bike track and the little red running man track!!!
Who knows what that one means but at one point I did imagine it might mean ME running, screaming through the forest, waving my hands and yelling "we're lost, we're lost!!"
Luckily mi amor always keeps a calm head and eventually we emerge at the carpark, tired, thirsty but filled with wonder at the discoveries of our day.
"Where to now?" he says with a smile.
"To the nearest pub" I reply. Without hesitation.
Now the moment you've been waiting for....
winner number two in my 22 days of gratitude and giveaways
Congratulations Janet!
You are now registered for the next session of
Paint Mojo the ecourse!!
and for those who didn't win today
please keep checking in daily
until July 22nd
sharing the things you are grateful for
and each day I will draw another winner!!
until tomorrow keep shining lovely friends!
You all inspire me so much
lots of love
Tracy xoxoxo
Today, everyday, I am so grateful for my husband, partner and best friend whose greatest joy comes from seeing me shiny and happy. He accepts me just as I am and loves all the parts that make me who I am. I am so blessed to have this kind, loving, brilliant man in my life!
Thanks for the chance to win, lovely one!
Today I am grateful that in the midst of a major heatwave, I have access to clean, cool water. I am mindful of people around the world who do not have clean water, of those who have to walk miles to find some and those living in drought stricken areas. I am always very careful with my water consumption. It is a blessing to be able to take a shower & drink ice water to cool down.
Thanks for the chance,
robin west
Thanks Tracy!
Piaroms Art Journaling
big love ♥♥♥
Grateful for my family and freedom.
warm wishes
warm wishes
Glory Mooberry
today i'll say..i am grateful that my husband, Richard makes me laugh every day, oft times HEARTILY. We are retired now and get so silly (I've always been) together thru the day...GRATEFUL HEART...AND grateful for a chance at your class xoxo
I am so grateful to be able to travel to beautiful places in the world.xx
I'm grateful for so many things. Today it will be coffee - had a bad night with Master 6 (grandson) and Nan aint got the up'n'go this morning. Coffee will be my friend. :p
I will be sharing on Instagram and facebook
Happy and safe travels!
Thanks for sharing so very much with all of us!!
Safe Travels!!
He is the jelly to my peanut butter
I am beyond blessed
Shared on Facebook & Pinterest for extra luck!!! XO
Heidi Wicker
Today I am grateful for my fiance. He supports me in every way possible and he is the kindest soul ever ♡ He is always there for me and I am always his first priority, as he is mine :) Love WINS!
Thank you Tracy for such a great giveaway, I have your book so doing your course would be wonderful.
P.S. I was on my phone and it took me to your first post. I am now on my laptop and saw that I was on the wrong day, so you get my post again :) Also, my phone wouldn't log into my it was anonymous.
hug from Budapest
love Panna
I'm grateful for the safe environment I live in with my loving family and kids. Enjoy your travels!
have fun
thanks for your tale!
I love reading your stories! I still giggle about the cows and the stuck shoe! heeheee
Today I am grateful for the morning sounds I am able to hear,the birds singing their waking songs, cows in the their pastures(don't be scared-they are fenced in)and our chickens out back laying their eggs and cackling joyfully about it!
hugs to you xoxo
Today and every day since Monday, I am thankful that my husband finally found a job after 4 years of being unemployed in this awful economy. Hooray!!! Things are looking up!
And of course, for the opportunity to win a spot in this dream of a workshop!!! XO
Today I am thankful for my family! My husband, sister, nieces and nephews! they mean the world to me!
Hugz Bev
She has a hernia and last year she moved wrong and she couldnt use her back legs. The first vet we went to said it was game over. But that was never aan option so we went for a second opinion to a real animal hospital and they told us to either operate (very big thing) or to keep here there on medication and see how it went.. We choose the second one and after 2 days at the hospital and 6 weeks keeping her in a cage and trying to walk little bits at a time, she now runs like a bullet so fast!
Im so proud of her and shes my little baby, my child lol. Im ever so grateful that I CAN am blessed to have still have her in my life!
Today I am grateful for my children. I have 3 and I was told by doctors, after an accident at age 19, to not have children. I was told my body could not handle it. I did it anyways and will probably be in more pain that I should be in time to come....but they are so very worth it. They are my heart and my soul. ~Tonya
I am super grateful for online wonder world where we can connect, create and learn in communitea .. community.
love Denise xox
I am super grateful for online wonder world where we can connect, create and learn in communitea .. community.
love Denise xox
I am grateful to live in a country that is free!And I am grateful for all those who sacrificed to make it so!