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Day18~Thirty Days of gratitude

“Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields...Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.”
― Mary Oliver

Grateful today for words of wisdom from one of my favourite poets
I hope they speak to you today, especially those of you going through difficult times. 

“You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.”
― Mary Oliver
“Love yourself. Then forget it.
Then, love the world.”
― Mary Oliver

 “I stood willingly and gladly in the characters of everything - other people, trees, clouds. And this is what I learned, that the world's otherness is antidote to confusion - that standing within this otherness - the beauty and the mystery of the world, out in the fields or deep inside books - can re-dignify the worst-stung heart.”
― Mary Oliver 

“Sometimes I need
only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed.”
― Mary Oliver 

Thank you to my beautiful girls Santana and Sienna (in these images above) for some of the most profound lessons of my life ♥

until tomorrow
 "I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
I honor the place in you which is
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace,
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
then we are One."

lots of love Tracy xox ♥


Good morning Tracy :) I LOVE the photo of your gorgeous girl on the swing. And for some reason the quote "Never stop whimsical..." really stirs my heart & makes me feel like crying :)
Artist In Bloom said…
Your girl on the swing makes me happy. I have always been told I am whimsical. I don't want to be ordinary, I want to me. You make me feel happy I love your art work, your love of life and your family. To are an inspiration Tracy.
Kaye Kittredge said…
So excited to find another Mary Oliver fan!

"I thought the earth
remembered me, she
took me back so tenderly, arranging
her dark skirts, her pockets
full of lichens and seeds...."

Have a great day!
Jann Parkes said…
Dear Tracy....your magic touches us all xxxx
Hi there
Although I haven't always commented on your lovely blog, it has reminded me to be aware more of what I'm grateful for.
Today I focus on how grateful I am for
1. My healthy body being a recent result of healthy and homegrown food
2. The time I have over the next week to make a stitched wedding gift for two special friends and their happy day next week.
Thank you. Honestly, I don't know what to say, except that: thank you. This post is what I needed today, and you sent it and I found it right away! I met you at 21 Secrets, am inspired by you, and now I am a fan of Mary Oliver too.

Aleta said…
30 days of gratitude......just the title fills my heart with warmth. the photos and the beautiful words are a bonus <3
Kate Palmer said…
Sounds like you have a very special family, you must be so proud of them all!
Crazy Art Girl said…
Love the picture of that tree. The contrast is wonderful. I have a lone tree alone in a field by me. I drive by it all the time. Traffic is always too heavy for me to take a good picture of it but I am grateful for it. It has been good to me. It has filled my imagination for a few moments and filled many blank pages. I wonder why it's all alone in a field by itself. Hope you and yours have a lovely day.
Alenka said…
one of my favourite qutoes
"A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself."