Oh dear! I woke up in the middle of the night and realised I didnt post yesterday!!
I decided to forgive myself......
(#1 grateful that I've learnt to not beat myself up so much)
AND rest assured sweet friends we still had our gratitude ritual at dinner
and technically it is still Sunday in many parts of the world.......
and so I will post this morning and again tonight.
Twice the gratitude, twice the fun!
yesterday I did a little writing for my book
some ponderings on throwing out the rules
especially those that are rooted in fear.
I'm starting to feel a little buzz in my tummy that around this time next year
all of these words I am writing,
projects I am conjuring
will be a in a real BOOK!
It still feels surreal to me......
the other thing I began to tackle over the weekend
was the MAMMOTH task of organising all of the photos
on my computer into some kind of coherent sense!
I had gotten into a very poor habit of uploading pics into folders
named things like "new folder44","pics to sort", "April pics", "stuff to get to etc
and this has been making it super difficult for me to find the images I need when I need them
even though it feels like I have opened a giant can of worms
I am determined to get the job done
and I am grateful that the six hours I have spent so far has made a dent.
Here are just a few of the pics I discovered (with a gazillion others) in random folders over the weekend that made me smile, now neatly all grouped in one folder titled
(#2 oh so grateful for all of my amazing, expanding family, and if you don't see your gorgeous face below its only because I haven't found which folder its hiding in yet ! ♥)
check back in later!
Enjoy your day wherever you are on this beautiful planet!
lots of love Tracy xox♥
ps dont forget to check in on my 2013/2014 workshop updates here :)