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Thirty days of gratitude~Day one

 Pilgrims in Juquila, Oaxaca coming to ask the Virgencita for a favour~in 2008 we visited the virgen and asked for some favours of our own. Marco wrote about our experience here .

I will be ever grateful for her response and in Dec 2015 we plan to return, as is the custom, to give thanks for our milagros.

Sienna in 2008 looking at the crosses of pilgrims who have returned to give thanks for wishes that have been granted.

I've been thinking a lot about gratitude lately, 
sometimes it's the best way.
and yet I still find myself losing perspective at times
part of being human I guess...

and so today in a flash (not a hot one, although I have been getting my fair share of those!), after a very lucid glimpse into an exciting future idea
I have decided to engage in another thirty days of blogging,
this time to reflect on the myriad of people, places and happenings
that bring me such an incredible sense of gratitude.

I invite you to embark upon this journey with me and I promise you,
 that if you do,
you will be richer for it....

We have a dinner ritual, Marco, Santana, Sienna and I,
we've been doing it for years and I have to admit,
that for many years Marco got this whole gratitude thing
so deeply
and I tagged along, sometimes unwillingly, begrudgingly
I thank this man, my heart, from the bottom of my heart
for allowing me the space to unfold, in my own time.

each night before we eat, the four of us recount two things that we are grateful for, 
whether we are tired or grumpy, angry or ecstatic. 

Two things.

There have been times that I'm sure the girls wished that we didn't have this ritual.
 Like the first time a 17 year old boyfriend comes for dinner (he'll think its weird!) or the times when we've just had a big family explosion; "I'm grateful for my room and closed doors!!" hehe.....

and yet I do believe that it is a ritual that the girls will take with them
 and it is one that I am now not afraid to share with my hosts when I stay with them. 
What a freedom to no longer worry " will they think I'm strange?"

"What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

What a freedom to be becoming wholeheartedly myself and to be letting go (little by little) of the worry about what others will think. This has been a lesson very long in coming!
I am SUPER grateful for that one ♥

a couple more things I'm grateful for today~:)
water and the ability to drink it, swim through it, float on it, cleanse my body inside and outside with it.

 Dancers from Santo Domingo Teojomulco, Oaxaca, 2008. 
Santana, at 15, even got a marriage proposal from one handsome 19 year old. 
We politely explained that in Australia our children wait a little longer for marriage. 
He smiled understandingly and asked if we could bring her back in two years and he would wait for her :)
diversity and the richness that it offers us when we are open to experience people, places and things outside of our norm. The bliss and wonder of an encounter with someone who believes differently to you and the healing that can occur when our minds are open enough to understand that there are many paths up the mountain.

man with an iguana on his head~ Vanvouver, Canada 2008.

Our girls and the way they have  grown together, both of them so different, yet seeking to understand and support each other, not always friends, but unmistakably sisters. 
What a joy to watch them grow into beautiful, caring, kind, creative, strong spirited young women.

Our family~my heart is full and overflowing ♥♥♥

What are you grateful for today?

I would love to hear

until tomorrow
lots of love
Tracy xox ♥


The gift of some 'me' time today & The delicious avocado I'm eating right now :)
Tracy Verdugo said…
enjoy Fi,its a gift we should give ourselves more often ♥
Jenny Grant said…
I am grateful for you bringing your wonderful tradition to our home. We are still going and will for sure keep the tradition. Love to you Tracy from my whole family!
MarilynAnne Art said…
Today I am grateful for my sons and their families, for having their love surround me especially when I seem to need it the most. I also want to state publicly today that I am grateful for finding the beauty of art and for "giving it a go" - it is fast becoming my life's passion at an old age - whoever knew....but I am grateful.
Such beautiful words, Tracy! Gratitude increases our experience here on Earth, and expands our joy. I am grateful for the ability to meet and share so many wonderful people and stories through blogging. I've met so many fellow artists and women who I continue to follow and would never have known otherwise, had I not started a blog. After having participated in a 30 day blog challenge in July, I am now aware of several other challenges like this one. Although blogging is a challenge every day, it keeps me mindful of topics and images to blog, which has increased my awareness of life around me and the importance of creating content that contributes something of value to others as much as myself. ~Hobby
gorgeous post, gorgeous lady, gorgeous family, Love ♥
Anonymous said…
You are so beautiful Tracy, you are light!!
Your poetic magnificent piece of writing and images further my realization finally that "You don’t have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It’s your life. Live it without apologies. ~ Mandy Hale
I am so grateful to finally really know that.
juliaD said…
I am grateful every week day, for my daughter who calls me on her way home in peak hour traffic, (hands free of course), and we share our day, talk and laugh, and afterwards I feel so serene and content. Because if all is well with your child then all is well full stop.
Ok I am taking this on too! Not sure what the kids will think. They only ever say "oh Mum!" To me these days! Anyway today I am grateful for:
The ability to talk to a highly depressed patient yesterday and motivate her to apply for a new job
That today I can make time to complete some stitching projects for my first craft fair on Saturday x

Thank you for the inspiration. Xx
Myra said…
I'm grateful to know you, and for your shining example... your beautiful artwork, your willingness to share, your inspiration!
Kate Palmer said…
I am grateful to have been fortunate enough to have taken your Paint Mojo class and for being able to meet so many amazing new people there - awesome experience!
Crazy Art Girl said…
I had just gotten home from our first vacation ever where we drove to our destination. We had gone to Florida after driving through several states. We were grateful to be home after 14 days being gone. However, I was grateful for the time with my family - even if it was in a car, hotel room, or on the beach. We are always so busy when at home. My kids are growing up so quickly. I got to be with them and we explored during this time. We saw things in other states that otherwise would have missed if we had taken a plane. We won't do it again for awhile but I am grateful for our time together and for the things we learned. The pictures alone are invaluable. ♥
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for all the support, love and help - seen and unseen - that I have had in my life. For the opportunities and tools I have been given to enrich my life and create the joyous experiences I have every day. I am grateful that I have been able to pass this support, love and tools to others and right now to my sister and her family who are going thru an extremely challenging time. <3